Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
Research article
01 Apr 2015
Research article |  | 01 Apr 2015

High-resolution leaf wax carbon and hydrogen isotopic record of the late Holocene paleoclimate in arid Central Asia

B. Aichner, S. J. Feakins, J. E. Lee, U. Herzschuh, and X. Liu

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Subject: Proxy Use-Development-Validation | Archive: Terrestrial Archives | Timescale: Holocene
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Cited articles

Aichner, B., Herzschuh, U., and Wilkes, H.: Influence of aquatic macrophytes on stable carbon isotope signatures of sedimentary organic matter in lakes on the Tibetan Plateau, Org. Geochem., 41, 706–718, 2010a.
Aichner, B., Herzschuh, U., Wilkes, H., Mischke, S., and Zhang, C.: Biomarker and compound-specific carbon isotope evidence for changing environmental and carbon-limiting conditions at Koucha Lake, eastern Tibetan Plateau, J. Paleolimn., 43, 873–899, 2010b.
Aichner, B., Herzschuh, U., Wilkes, H., Vieth, A., and Böhner, J.: δ D values of n-alkanes in Tibetan lake sediments and aquatic macrophytes a surface sediment study and application to a 16 ka record from Lake Koucha, Org. Geochem., 41, 779–790, 2010c.
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