Articles | Volume 17, issue 2
Research article
25 Mar 2021
Research article |  | 25 Mar 2021

Reconstructing past hydrology of eastern Canadian boreal catchments using clastic varved sediments and hydro-climatic modelling: 160 years of fluvial inflows

Antoine Gagnon-Poiré, Pierre Brigode, Pierre Francus, David Fortin, Patrick Lajeunesse, Hugues Dorion, and Annie-Pier Trottier

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Geochronology, 7, 83–111,,, 2025
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High-Resolution Paleo-Storm Reconstruction from Eastern Canada Aligns with Late-Holocene Northwestern Atlantic Hurricane Records
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EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Climate of the Past (CP).
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A new 1500-year-long varve thickness record from Labrador, Canada, uncovers significant insights into large-scale climate variability in the Atlantic
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EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Climate of the Past (CP).
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The Green Edge cruise: investigating the marginal ice zone processes during late spring and early summer to understand the fate of the Arctic phytoplankton bloom
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Cited articles

Amann, B., Szidat, S., and Grosjean, M.: A millennial-long record of warm season precipitation and flood frequency for the North-western Alps inferred from varved lake sediments: implications for the future, Quaternary Sci. Rev., 115, 89–100,, 2015. 
Anderson, T.: Rivers of Labrador, Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 81, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa, Ontario, 1985. 
Arsenault, R., Bazile, R., Ouellet Dallaire, C., and Brissette, F.: CANOPEX: A Canadian hydrometeorological watershed database, Hydrological Processes, 30, 2734–2736,, 2016. 
Bégin, C., Gingras, M., Savard, M. M., Marion, J., Nicault, A., and Bégin, Y.: Assessing tree-ring carbon and oxygen stable isotopes for climate reconstruction in the Canadian northeastern boreal forest, Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol., 423, 91–101,, 2015. 
Bégin, Y., Nicault, A., Bégin, C., Savard, M. M., Arseneault, D., Berninger, F., Guiot, J., Boreux, J.-J., and Perreault, L.: Analyse dendrochronologique des variations passées du régime hydro climatique au complexe de la grande rivière dans le Nord du Québec, La Houille Blanche, 6, 70–77,, 2007. 
Short summary
A very high quality 160-year-long annually laminated (varved) sediment sequence of fluvial origin was recently discovered in an especially deep lake in Labrador. Each varve represents 1 hydrological year. A significant relation between varves' physical parameters (i.e., thickness and grain size extracted from each annual lamination) and river discharge instrumental observations provided the opportunity to develop regional discharge reconstructions beyond the instrumental period.