Articles | Volume 11, issue 10
Research article
09 Oct 2015
Research article |  | 09 Oct 2015

Obliquity forcing of low-latitude climate

J. H. C. Bosmans, F. J. Hilgen, E. Tuenter, and L. J. Lourens

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Subject: Climate Modelling | Archive: Modelling only | Timescale: Milankovitch
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Bosmans, J. H. C., Drijfhout, S. S., Tuenter, E., Lourens, L. J., Hilgen, F. J., and Weber, S. L.: Monsoonal response to mid-holocene orbital forcing in a high resolution GCM, Clim. Past, 8, 723–740,, 2012.
Bosmans, J. H. C., Drijfhout, S. S., Tuenter, E., Hilgen, F. J., and Lourens, L. J.: Response of the North African summer monsoon to precession and obliquity forcings in the EC-Earth GCM, Clim. Dynam., 44, 279–297,, 2015a.
Bosmans, J. H. C., Drijfhout, S. S., Tuenter, E., Hilgen, F. J., Lourens, L. J., and Rohling, E. J.: Precession and obliquity forcing of the freshwater budget over the Mediterranean, Quaternary Sci. Rev., 123, 16–30,, 2015b.
Short summary
Our study shows that the influence of obliquity (the tilt of Earth's rotational axis) can be explained through changes in the insolation gradient across the tropics. This explanation is fundamentally different from high-latitude mechanisms that were previously often inferred to explain obliquity signals in low-latitude paleoclimate records, for instance glacial fluctuations. Our study is based on state-of-the-art climate model experiments.