Articles | Volume 17, issue 3
Review article
17 Jun 2021
Review article |  | 17 Jun 2021

Climate indices in historical climate reconstructions: a global state of the art

David J. Nash, George C. D. Adamson, Linden Ashcroft, Martin Bauch, Chantal Camenisch, Dagomar Degroot, Joelle Gergis, Adrian Jusopović, Thomas Labbé, Kuan-Hui Elaine Lin, Sharon D. Nicholson, Qing Pei, María del Rosario Prieto, Ursula Rack, Facundo Rojas, and Sam White

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Subject: Proxy Use-Development-Validation | Archive: Historical Records | Timescale: Decadal-Seasonal
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Cited articles

Academy of Meteorological Science of China Central Meteorological Administration: Yearly Charts of Dryness/Wetness in China for the Last 500 Years, Cartographic Publishing House, Beijing, 1981. 
Adamson, G. C. D.: Private diaries as information sources in climate research, WIRES Clim. Change, 6, 599–611, 2015. 
Adamson, G. C. D. and Nash, D. J.: Documentary reconstruction of monsoon rainfall variability over western India, 1781–1860, Clim. Dynam., 42, 749–769, 2014. 
Adamson, G. C. D. and Nash, D. J.: Climate history of Asia (excluding China), in: The Palgrave Handbook of Climate History, edited by: White, S., Pfister, C., and Mauelshagen, F., Palgrave Macmillan, London, 203–211, 2018. 
Alcoforado, M. J., Nunes, M. D., Garcia, J. C., and Taborda, J. P.: Temperature and precipitation reconstruction in southern Portugal during the late Maunder Minimum (AD 1675–1715), Holocene, 10, 333–340, 2000. 
Short summary
Qualitative evidence contained within historical sources provides an important record of climate variability for periods prior to the onset of systematic meteorological data collection. Before such evidence can be used for climate reconstructions, it needs to be converted to a quantitative format. A common approach is the generation of ordinal-scale climate indices. This review, written by members of the PAGES CRIAS working group, provides a global synthesis of the use of the index approach.