Articles | Volume 16, issue 1
© Author(s) 2020. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
© Author(s) 2020. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Modal shift in North Atlantic seasonality during the last deglaciation
Geert-Jan A. Brummer
NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Department of Ocean
Systems, 1790 AB, Den Burg, and Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Earth and Climate Cluster, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of
Science, VU University Amsterdam, de Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands
Earth and Climate Cluster, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of
Science, VU University Amsterdam, de Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, LSCE/IPSL, CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, Université Paris-Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Wouter Feldmeijer
Earth and Climate Cluster, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of
Science, VU University Amsterdam, de Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands
now at: Nebest B.V., Marconiweg 2, 4131 PD, Vianen, the Netherlands
Maarten A. Prins
Earth and Climate Cluster, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of
Science, VU University Amsterdam, de Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands
Jasmijn van 't Hoff
Earth and Climate Cluster, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of
Science, VU University Amsterdam, de Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands
now at: Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Cologne,
Zuelpicher Str. 49a, 50674 Cologne, Germany
Gerald M. Ganssen
Earth and Climate Cluster, Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of
Science, VU University Amsterdam, de Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands
Related authors
Miriam Pfeiffer, Hideko Takayanagi, Lars Reuning, Takaaki K. Watanabe, Saori Ito, Dieter Garbe-Schönberg, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Chung-Che Wu, Chuan-Chou Shen, Jens Zinke, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, and Sri Yudawati Cahyarini
Clim. Past, 21, 211–237,,, 2025
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Short summary
A coral reconstruction of past climate shows changes in the seasonal cycle of sea surface temperature in the south-eastern tropical Indian Ocean. An enhanced seasonal cycle suggests that the tropical rainfall belt shifted northwards between 1856–1918. We explain this with greater warming in the north-eastern Indian Ocean relative to the south-east, which strengthens surface winds and coastal upwelling in the eastern Indian Ocean, leading to greater cooling south of the Equator.
Michal Kučera and Geert-Jan A. Brummer
J. Micropalaeontol., 42, 33–34,,, 2023
Geert-Jan A. Brummer and Michal Kučera
J. Micropalaeontol., 41, 29–74,,, 2022
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To aid researchers working with living planktonic foraminifera, we provide a comprehensive review of names that we consider appropriate for extant species. We discuss the reasons for the decisions we made and provide a list of species and genus-level names as well as other names that have been used in the past but are considered inappropriate for living taxa, stating the reasons.
Lukas Jonkers, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Julie Meilland, Jeroen Groeneveld, and Michal Kucera
Clim. Past, 18, 89–101,,, 2022
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The variability in the geochemistry among individual foraminifera is used to reconstruct seasonal to interannual climate variability. This method requires that each foraminifera shell accurately records environmental conditions, which we test here using a sediment trap time series. Even in the absence of environmental variability, planktonic foraminifera display variability in their stable isotope ratios that needs to be considered in the interpretation of individual foraminifera data.
Maike Leupold, Miriam Pfeiffer, Takaaki K. Watanabe, Lars Reuning, Dieter Garbe-Schönberg, Chuan-Chou Shen, and Geert-Jan A. Brummer
Clim. Past, 17, 151–170,,, 2021
Marijke W. de Bar, Jenny E. Ullgren, Robert C. Thunnell, Stuart G. Wakeham, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté, and Stefan Schouten
Biogeosciences, 16, 1705–1727,,, 2019
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We analyzed sediment traps from the Cariaco Basin, the tropical Atlantic and the Mozambique Channel to evaluate seasonal imprints in the concentrations and fluxes of long-chain diols (LDIs), in addition to the long-chain diol index proxy (sea surface temperature proxy) and the diol index (upwelling indicator). Despite significant degradation, LDI-derived temperatures were very similar for the sediment traps and seafloor sediments, and corresponded to annual mean sea surface temperatures.
Laura F. Korte, Franziska Pausch, Scarlett Trimborn, Corina P. D. Brussaard, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Michèlle van der Does, Catarina V. Guerreiro, Laura T. Schreuder, Chris I. Munday, and Jan-Berend W. Stuut
Biogeosciences Discuss.,,, 2018
Revised manuscript not accepted
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This paper shows the differences of nutrient release after dry and wet Saharan dust deposition in the tropical North Atlantic Ocean at 12° N. Incubation experiments were conducted along an east-west transect. Large differences were observed between both deposition types with wet deposition being the dominant source of phosphate, silicate, and iron. Both deposition types suggest that Saharan dust particles might be incorporated into marine snow aggregates and act as ballast mineral.
Catarina V. Guerreiro, Karl-Heinz Baumann, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Gerhard Fischer, Laura F. Korte, Ute Merkel, Carolina Sá, Henko de Stigter, and Jan-Berend W. Stuut
Biogeosciences, 14, 4577–4599,,, 2017
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Our study provides insights into the factors governing the spatio-temporal variability of coccolithophores in the equatorial North Atlantic and illustrates how this supposedly oligotrophic and stable open-ocean region actually reveals significant ecological variability. We provide evidence for Saharan dust and the Amazon River acting as fertilizers for phytoplankton and highlight the the importance of the thermocline depth for coccolithophore productivity in the lower photic zone.
Laura F. Korte, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Michèlle van der Does, Catarina V. Guerreiro, Rick Hennekam, Johannes A. van Hateren, Dirk Jong, Chris I. Munday, Stefan Schouten, and Jan-Berend W. Stuut
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 6023–6040,,, 2017
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We collected Saharan dust at the Mauritanian coast as well as in the deep the North Atlantic Ocean, along a transect at 12 °N, using an array of moored sediment traps. We demonstrated that the lithogenic particles collected in the ocean are from the same source as dust collected on the African coast. With increasing distance from the source, lithogenic elements associated with clay minerals become more important relative to quartz which is settling out faster. Seasonality is prominent, but weak.
Michèlle van der Does, Laura F. Korte, Chris I. Munday, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, and Jan-Berend W. Stuut
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 13697–13710,,, 2016
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We studied seasonal and spatial variations in particle size of Saharan dust deposition along a transect in the Atlantic Ocean, using an array of moored submarine sediment traps. We show a downwind decrease in particle size, but seasonal changes are also prominent. In addition, the dust is much coarser than previously suggested and incorporated into climate models.
Dana Felicitas Christine Riechelmann, Jens Fohlmeister, Rik Tjallingii, Klaus Peter Jochum, Detlev Konrad Richter, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, and Denis Scholz
Clim. Past Discuss.,,, 2016
Revised manuscript not accepted
B. Metcalfe, W. Feldmeijer, M. de Vringer-Picon, G.-J. A. Brummer, F. J. C. Peeters, and G. M. Ganssen
Biogeosciences, 12, 4781–4807,,, 2015
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Iron biogeochemical budgets during the natural ocean fertilisation experiment KEOPS-2 showed that complex circulation and transport pathways were responsible for differences in the mode and strength of iron supply, with vertical supply dominant on the plateau and lateral supply dominant in the plume. The exchange of iron between dissolved, biogenic and lithogenic pools was highly dynamic, resulting in a decoupling of iron supply and carbon export and controlling the efficiency of fertilisation.
J. Steinhardt, C. Cléroux, L. J. de Nooijer, G.-J. Brummer, R. Zahn, G. Ganssen, and G.-J. Reichart
Biogeosciences, 12, 2411–2429,,, 2015
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In this paper we present, for the first time, results from single-chamber Mg/Ca analyses combined with single-shell δ18O and δ13C for four planktonic foraminiferal species from a sediment trap in the Mozambique Channel. Eddy-induced hydrographic variability is reflected in test carbonate chemistry of these different species. A species-specific depth-resolved mass balance model confirms distinctive migration and calcification patterns for each species as a function of hydrography.
Miriam Pfeiffer, Hideko Takayanagi, Lars Reuning, Takaaki K. Watanabe, Saori Ito, Dieter Garbe-Schönberg, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Chung-Che Wu, Chuan-Chou Shen, Jens Zinke, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, and Sri Yudawati Cahyarini
Clim. Past, 21, 211–237,,, 2025
Short summary
Short summary
A coral reconstruction of past climate shows changes in the seasonal cycle of sea surface temperature in the south-eastern tropical Indian Ocean. An enhanced seasonal cycle suggests that the tropical rainfall belt shifted northwards between 1856–1918. We explain this with greater warming in the north-eastern Indian Ocean relative to the south-east, which strengthens surface winds and coastal upwelling in the eastern Indian Ocean, leading to greater cooling south of the Equator.
Michal Kučera and Geert-Jan A. Brummer
J. Micropalaeontol., 42, 33–34,,, 2023
Geert-Jan A. Brummer and Michal Kučera
J. Micropalaeontol., 41, 29–74,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
To aid researchers working with living planktonic foraminifera, we provide a comprehensive review of names that we consider appropriate for extant species. We discuss the reasons for the decisions we made and provide a list of species and genus-level names as well as other names that have been used in the past but are considered inappropriate for living taxa, stating the reasons.
Bryan C. Lougheed and Brett Metcalfe
Biogeosciences, 19, 1195–1209,,, 2022
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Measurements on sea-dwelling shelled organisms called foraminifera retrieved from deep-sea sediment cores have been used to reconstruct sea surface temperature (SST) variation. To evaluate the method, we use a computer model to simulate millions of single foraminifera and how they become mixed in the sediment after being deposited on the seafloor. We compare the SST inferred from the single foraminifera in the sediment core to the true SST in the water, thus quantifying method uncertainties.
Lukas Jonkers, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Julie Meilland, Jeroen Groeneveld, and Michal Kucera
Clim. Past, 18, 89–101,,, 2022
Short summary
Short summary
The variability in the geochemistry among individual foraminifera is used to reconstruct seasonal to interannual climate variability. This method requires that each foraminifera shell accurately records environmental conditions, which we test here using a sediment trap time series. Even in the absence of environmental variability, planktonic foraminifera display variability in their stable isotope ratios that needs to be considered in the interpretation of individual foraminifera data.
Maike Leupold, Miriam Pfeiffer, Takaaki K. Watanabe, Lars Reuning, Dieter Garbe-Schönberg, Chuan-Chou Shen, and Geert-Jan A. Brummer
Clim. Past, 17, 151–170,,, 2021
Johannes Albert van Hateren, Unze van Buuren, Sebastiaan Martinus Arens, Ronald Theodorus van Balen, and Maarten Arnoud Prins
Earth Surf. Dynam., 8, 527–553,,, 2020
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In this paper, we introduce a new technique that can be used to identify how sediments were transported to their place of deposition (transport mode). The traditional method is based on the size of sediment grains, ours on the size and the shape. A test of the method on windblown sediments indicates that it can be used to identify the transport mode with less ambiguity, and therefore it improves our ability to extract information, such as climate from the past, from sediment deposits.
Brett Metcalfe, Bryan C. Lougheed, Claire Waelbroeck, and Didier M. Roche
Clim. Past, 16, 885–910,,, 2020
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Planktonic foraminifera construct a shell that, post mortem, settles to the seafloor, prior to collection by Palaeoclimatologists for use as proxies. Such organisms in life are sensitive to the ambient conditions (e.g. temperature, salinity), which therefore means our proxies maybe skewed toward the ecology of organisms. Using a proxy system model, Foraminifera as Modelled Entities (FAME), we assess the potential of extracting ENSO signal from tropical Pacific planktonic foraminifera.
Bryan C. Lougheed, Philippa Ascough, Andrew M. Dolman, Ludvig Löwemark, and Brett Metcalfe
Geochronology, 2, 17–31,,, 2020
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The current geochronological state of the art for applying the radiocarbon (14C) method to deep-sea sediment archives lacks key information on sediment bioturbation, which could affect palaeoclimate interpretations made from deep-sea sediment. We use a computer model that simulates the 14C activity and bioturbation history of millions of single foraminifera at the sea floor, allowing us to evaluate the current state of the art at the most fundamental level.
Marijke W. de Bar, Jenny E. Ullgren, Robert C. Thunnell, Stuart G. Wakeham, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Jan-Berend W. Stuut, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté, and Stefan Schouten
Biogeosciences, 16, 1705–1727,,, 2019
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We analyzed sediment traps from the Cariaco Basin, the tropical Atlantic and the Mozambique Channel to evaluate seasonal imprints in the concentrations and fluxes of long-chain diols (LDIs), in addition to the long-chain diol index proxy (sea surface temperature proxy) and the diol index (upwelling indicator). Despite significant degradation, LDI-derived temperatures were very similar for the sediment traps and seafloor sediments, and corresponded to annual mean sea surface temperatures.
Hilde Pracht, Brett Metcalfe, and Frank J. C. Peeters
Biogeosciences, 16, 643–661,,, 2019
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In palaeoceanography the shells of single-celled foraminifera are routinely used as proxies to reconstruct the temperature, salinity and circulation of the ocean in the past. Traditionally a number of specimens were pooled for a single stable isotope measurement; however, technical advances now mean that a single shell or chamber of a shell can be measured individually. Three different hypotheses regarding foraminiferal biology and ecology were tested using this approach.
Laura F. Korte, Franziska Pausch, Scarlett Trimborn, Corina P. D. Brussaard, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Michèlle van der Does, Catarina V. Guerreiro, Laura T. Schreuder, Chris I. Munday, and Jan-Berend W. Stuut
Biogeosciences Discuss.,,, 2018
Revised manuscript not accepted
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This paper shows the differences of nutrient release after dry and wet Saharan dust deposition in the tropical North Atlantic Ocean at 12° N. Incubation experiments were conducted along an east-west transect. Large differences were observed between both deposition types with wet deposition being the dominant source of phosphate, silicate, and iron. Both deposition types suggest that Saharan dust particles might be incorporated into marine snow aggregates and act as ballast mineral.
Didier M. Roche, Claire Waelbroeck, Brett Metcalfe, and Thibaut Caley
Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 3587–3603,,, 2018
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The oxygen-18 signal recorded in fossil planktonic foraminifers has been used for over 50 years in many geoscience applications. However, different planktonic foraminifer species from the same sediment core generally yield distinct oxygen-18 signals, as a consequence of their specific living habitat in the water column and along the year. To explicitly take into account this variability for five common planktonic species, we developed the portable module FAME (Foraminifers As Modeled Entities).
Bryan C. Lougheed, Brett Metcalfe, Ulysses S. Ninnemann, and Lukas Wacker
Clim. Past, 14, 515–526,,, 2018
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Palaeoclimate reconstructions from deep-sea sediment archives provide valuable insight into past rapid climate change, but only a small proportion of the ocean is suitable for such reconstructions using the existing state of the art, i.e. the age–depth approach. We use dual radiocarbon (14C) and stable isotope analysis on single foraminifera to bypass the long-standing age–depth approach, thus facilitating past ocean chemistry reconstructions from vast, previously untapped ocean areas.
Catarina V. Guerreiro, Karl-Heinz Baumann, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Gerhard Fischer, Laura F. Korte, Ute Merkel, Carolina Sá, Henko de Stigter, and Jan-Berend W. Stuut
Biogeosciences, 14, 4577–4599,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
Our study provides insights into the factors governing the spatio-temporal variability of coccolithophores in the equatorial North Atlantic and illustrates how this supposedly oligotrophic and stable open-ocean region actually reveals significant ecological variability. We provide evidence for Saharan dust and the Amazon River acting as fertilizers for phytoplankton and highlight the the importance of the thermocline depth for coccolithophore productivity in the lower photic zone.
Kees Nooren, Wim Z. Hoek, Tim Winkels, Annika Huizinga, Hans Van der Plicht, Remke L. Van Dam, Sytze Van Heteren, Manfred J. Van Bergen, Maarten A. Prins, Tony Reimann, Jakob Wallinga, Kim M. Cohen, Philip Minderhoud, and Hans Middelkoop
Earth Surf. Dynam., 5, 529–556,,, 2017
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We demonstrate that the world's largest beach-ridge plain in southern Mexico was formed under an ample long-term fluvial sediment supply. The beach-ridge elevation is strongly influenced by aeolian accretion during the time when the ridge is located next to the beach. The beach-ridge elevation is negatively correlated with the progradation rate, which we relate to the variability in sediment supply to the coastal zone, reflecting decadal-scale precipitation changes within the river catchment.
Laura F. Korte, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, Michèlle van der Does, Catarina V. Guerreiro, Rick Hennekam, Johannes A. van Hateren, Dirk Jong, Chris I. Munday, Stefan Schouten, and Jan-Berend W. Stuut
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 6023–6040,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
We collected Saharan dust at the Mauritanian coast as well as in the deep the North Atlantic Ocean, along a transect at 12 °N, using an array of moored sediment traps. We demonstrated that the lithogenic particles collected in the ocean are from the same source as dust collected on the African coast. With increasing distance from the source, lithogenic elements associated with clay minerals become more important relative to quartz which is settling out faster. Seasonality is prominent, but weak.
Michèlle van der Does, Laura F. Korte, Chris I. Munday, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, and Jan-Berend W. Stuut
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 13697–13710,,, 2016
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Short summary
We studied seasonal and spatial variations in particle size of Saharan dust deposition along a transect in the Atlantic Ocean, using an array of moored submarine sediment traps. We show a downwind decrease in particle size, but seasonal changes are also prominent. In addition, the dust is much coarser than previously suggested and incorporated into climate models.
Sjoerd Kluiving, Tim de Ridder, Marcel van Dasselaar, Stan Roozen, and Maarten Prins
SOIL, 2, 271–285,,, 2016
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In medieval times the city of Vlaardingen (the Netherlands) was strategically located on the confluence of three rivers, the Maas, the Merwede, and the Vlaarding. Combined research on the history and soil of this city was initiated by an archaeological research question, following Dutch legislation. The start of fluvial system 2 in AD 600 correlates with evidence of the church that was present at least in AD 726/727. Results record the period before and after the flooding in AD 1170.
Dana Felicitas Christine Riechelmann, Jens Fohlmeister, Rik Tjallingii, Klaus Peter Jochum, Detlev Konrad Richter, Geert-Jan A. Brummer, and Denis Scholz
Clim. Past Discuss.,,, 2016
Revised manuscript not accepted
B. Metcalfe, W. Feldmeijer, M. de Vringer-Picon, G.-J. A. Brummer, F. J. C. Peeters, and G. M. Ganssen
Biogeosciences, 12, 4781–4807,,, 2015
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Short summary
Iron biogeochemical budgets during the natural ocean fertilisation experiment KEOPS-2 showed that complex circulation and transport pathways were responsible for differences in the mode and strength of iron supply, with vertical supply dominant on the plateau and lateral supply dominant in the plume. The exchange of iron between dissolved, biogenic and lithogenic pools was highly dynamic, resulting in a decoupling of iron supply and carbon export and controlling the efficiency of fertilisation.
J. Steinhardt, C. Cléroux, L. J. de Nooijer, G.-J. Brummer, R. Zahn, G. Ganssen, and G.-J. Reichart
Biogeosciences, 12, 2411–2429,,, 2015
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Short summary
In this paper we present, for the first time, results from single-chamber Mg/Ca analyses combined with single-shell δ18O and δ13C for four planktonic foraminiferal species from a sediment trap in the Mozambique Channel. Eddy-induced hydrographic variability is reflected in test carbonate chemistry of these different species. A species-specific depth-resolved mass balance model confirms distinctive migration and calcification patterns for each species as a function of hydrography.
W. Feldmeijer, L. J. de Nooijer, G.-J. Reichart, and G.M. Ganssen
Clim. Past Discuss.,,, 2014
Revised manuscript not accepted
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Jean-Philippe Baudouin, Nils Weitzel, Maximilian May, Lukas Jonkers, Andrew M. Dolman, and Kira Rehfeld
Clim. Past, 21, 381–403,,, 2025
Short summary
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Earth's past temperature reconstructions are critical for understanding climate change. We test the ability of these reconstructions using climate simulations. Uncertainties, mainly from past temperature measurement methods and age determination, impact reconstructions over time. While more data enhance accuracy for long-term trends, high-quality data are more important for short-term precision. Our study lays the groundwork for better reconstructions and suggests avenues for improvement.
Szabina Karancz, Lennart J. de Nooijer, Bas van der Wagt, Marcel T. J. van der Meer, Sambuddha Misra, Rick Hennekam, Zeynep Erdem, Julie Lattaud, Negar Haghipour, Stefan Schouten, and Gert-Jan Reichart
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Short summary
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Changes in upwelling intensity of the Benguela upwelling region during the last glacial motivated us to investigate the local CO2-history during the last glacial to interglacial transition. Using various geochemical tracers on archives from both intermediate and surface waters reveal enhanced storage of carbon at depth during the last glacial maximum. An efficient biological pump likely prevented outgassing of CO2 from intermediate depth to the atmosphere.
Werner Ehrmann, Paul A. Wilson, Helge W. Arz, Hartmut Schulz, and Gerhard Schmiedl
Clim. Past, 20, 37–52,,, 2024
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Climatic and associated hydrological changes controlled the aeolian versus fluvial transport processes and the composition of the sediments in the central Red Sea through the last ca. 200 kyr. We identify source areas of the mineral dust and pulses of fluvial discharge based on high-resolution grain size, clay mineral, and geochemical data, together with Nd and Sr isotope data. We provide a detailed reconstruction of changes in aridity/humidity.
Elwyn de la Vega, Thomas B. Chalk, Mathis P. Hain, Megan R. Wilding, Daniel Casey, Robin Gledhill, Chongguang Luo, Paul A. Wilson, and Gavin L. Foster
Clim. Past, 19, 2493–2510,,, 2023
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We evaluate how faithfully the boron isotope composition of foraminifera records atmospheric CO2 by comparing it to the high-fidelity CO2 record from the Antarctic ice cores. We evaluate potential factors and find that partial dissolution of foraminifera shells, assumptions of seawater chemistry, and the biology of foraminifera all have a negligible effect on reconstructed CO2. This gives confidence in the use of boron isotopes beyond the interval when ice core CO2 is available.
Taehee Lee, Devin Rand, Lorraine E. Lisiecki, Geoffrey Gebbie, and Charles Lawrence
Clim. Past, 19, 1993–2012,,, 2023
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Understanding of past climate change depends, in part, on how accurately we can estimate the ages of events recorded in geologic archives. Here we present a new software package, called BIGMACS, to improve age estimates for paleoclimate data from ocean sediment cores. BIGMACS creates multiproxy age estimates that reduce age uncertainty by probabilistically combining information from direct age estimates, such as radiocarbon dates, and the alignment of regional paleoclimate time series.
Jesse R. Farmer, Katherine J. Keller, Robert K. Poirier, Gary S. Dwyer, Morgan F. Schaller, Helen K. Coxall, Matt O'Regan, and Thomas M. Cronin
Clim. Past, 19, 555–578,,, 2023
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Oxygen isotopes are used to date marine sediments via similar large-scale ocean patterns over glacial cycles. However, the Arctic Ocean exhibits a different isotope pattern, creating uncertainty in the timing of past Arctic climate change. We find that the Arctic Ocean experienced large local oxygen isotope changes over glacial cycles. We attribute this to a breakdown of stratification during ice ages that allowed for a unique low isotope value to characterize the ice age Arctic Ocean.
Xavier Crosta, Karen E. Kohfeld, Helen C. Bostock, Matthew Chadwick, Alice Du Vivier, Oliver Esper, Johan Etourneau, Jacob Jones, Amy Leventer, Juliane Müller, Rachael H. Rhodes, Claire S. Allen, Pooja Ghadi, Nele Lamping, Carina B. Lange, Kelly-Anne Lawler, David Lund, Alice Marzocchi, Katrin J. Meissner, Laurie Menviel, Abhilash Nair, Molly Patterson, Jennifer Pike, Joseph G. Prebble, Christina Riesselman, Henrik Sadatzki, Louise C. Sime, Sunil K. Shukla, Lena Thöle, Maria-Elena Vorrath, Wenshen Xiao, and Jiao Yang
Clim. Past, 18, 1729–1756,,, 2022
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Despite its importance in the global climate, our knowledge of Antarctic sea-ice changes throughout the last glacial–interglacial cycle is extremely limited. As part of the Cycles of Sea Ice Dynamics in the Earth system (C-SIDE) Working Group, we review marine- and ice-core-based sea-ice proxies to provide insights into their applicability and limitations. By compiling published records, we provide information on Antarctic sea-ice dynamics over the past 130 000 years.
Dakota E. Holmes, Tali L. Babila, Ulysses Ninnemann, Gordon Bromley, Shane Tyrrell, Greig A. Paterson, Michelle J. Curran, and Audrey Morley
Clim. Past, 18, 989–1009,,, 2022
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Our proxy-based observations of the glacial inception following MIS 11 advance our mechanistic understanding of (and elucidates antecedent conditions that can lead to) high-magnitude climate instability during low- and intermediate-ice boundary conditions. We find that irrespective of the magnitude of climate variability or boundary conditions, the reorganization between Polar Water and Atlantic Water at subpolar latitudes appears to influence deep-water flow in the Nordic Seas.
Camille Godbillot, Fabrice Minoletti, Franck Bassinot, and Michaël Hermoso
Clim. Past, 18, 449–464,,, 2022
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We test a new method to reconstruct past atmospheric CO2 levels based on the geochemistry of pelagic algal biominerals (coccoliths), which recent culture and numerical experiments have related to ambient CO2 concentrations. By comparing the isotopic composition of fossil coccoliths to the inferred surface ocean CO2 level at the time they calcified, we outline a transfer function and argue that coccolith vital effects can be used to reconstruct geological pCO2 beyond the ice core record.
André Paul, Stefan Mulitza, Rüdiger Stein, and Martin Werner
Clim. Past, 17, 805–824,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
Maps and fields of near-sea-surface temperature differences between the past and present can be used to visualize and quantify climate changes and perform simulations with climate models. We used a statistical method to map sparse and scattered data for the Last Glacial Maximum time period (23 000 to 19 000 years before present) to a regular grid. The estimated global and tropical cooling would imply an equilibrium climate sensitivity in the lower to middle part of the currently accepted range.
Leticia G. Luz, Thiago P. Santos, Timothy I. Eglinton, Daniel Montluçon, Blanca Ausin, Negar Haghipour, Silvia M. Sousa, Renata H. Nagai, and Renato S. Carreira
Clim. Past, 16, 1245–1261,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
Two sediment cores retrieved from the SE Brazilian continental margin were studied using multiple organic (alkenones) and inorganic (oxygen isotopes in carbonate shells and water) proxies to reconstruct the sea surface temperature (SST) over the last 50 000 years. The findings indicate the formation of strong thermal gradients in the region during the last climate transition, a feature that may become more frequent in the future scenario of global water circulation changes.
Michael Langner and Stefan Mulitza
Clim. Past, 15, 2067–2072,,, 2019
Short summary
Short summary
Collections of paleoclimate data provide valuable information on the functioning of the Earth system but are often difficult to manage due to the inconsistency of data formats and reconstruction methods. We present a software toolbox that combines a simple document-based database with functionality for the visualization and management of marine proxy data. The program allows the efficient homogenization of larger paleoceanographic data sets into quality-controlled and transparent data products.
Lukas Jonkers and Michal Kučera
Clim. Past, 15, 881–891,,, 2019
Short summary
Short summary
Fossil plankton assemblages have been widely used to reconstruct SST. In such approaches, full taxonomic resolution is often used. We assess whether this is required for reliable reconstructions as some species may not respond to SST. We find that only a few species are needed for low reconstruction errors but that species selection has a pronounced effect on reconstructions. We suggest that the sensitivity of a reconstruction to species pruning can be used as a measure of its robustness.
Marcus P. S. Badger, Thomas B. Chalk, Gavin L. Foster, Paul R. Bown, Samantha J. Gibbs, Philip F. Sexton, Daniela N. Schmidt, Heiko Pälike, Andreas Mackensen, and Richard D. Pancost
Clim. Past, 15, 539–554,,, 2019
Short summary
Short summary
Understanding how atmospheric CO2 has affected the climate of the past is an important way of furthering our understanding of how CO2 may affect our climate in the future. There are several ways of determining CO2 in the past; in this paper, we ground-truth one method (based on preserved organic matter from alga) against the record of CO2 preserved as bubbles in ice cores over a glacial–interglacial cycle. We find that there is a discrepancy between the two.
Patrick A. Rafter, Juan-Carlos Herguera, and John R. Southon
Clim. Past, 14, 1977–1989,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
Carbon’s radioactive isotope (radiocarbon) is a useful tool for oceanographers investigating carbon cycling in the modern ocean and ice age oceans (using foraminifera microfossils). Here we used sediment cores with excellent age constraints and abundant foraminifera microfossils to examine interspecies radiocarbon differences. All species demonstrate the same extreme radiocarbon depletion, and we argue that these observations represent important changes in seawater carbon chemistry.
Marijke W. de Bar, Dave J. Stolwijk, Jerry F. McManus, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté, and Stefan Schouten
Clim. Past, 14, 1783–1803,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
We present a past sea surface temperature and paleoproductivity record over the last 150 000 years for ODP Site 1234 (Chilean margin). We tested the applicability of long-chain diol proxies for the reconstrucion of SST (LDI), past upwelling conditions (diol index), and nutrient concentrations (NDI). The LDI likely reflects past temperature changes, but the diol index and NDI are perhaps more indicative of Proboscia diatom productivity rather than upwelling and/or nutrient conditions.
Bryan C. Lougheed, Brett Metcalfe, Ulysses S. Ninnemann, and Lukas Wacker
Clim. Past, 14, 515–526,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
Palaeoclimate reconstructions from deep-sea sediment archives provide valuable insight into past rapid climate change, but only a small proportion of the ocean is suitable for such reconstructions using the existing state of the art, i.e. the age–depth approach. We use dual radiocarbon (14C) and stable isotope analysis on single foraminifera to bypass the long-standing age–depth approach, thus facilitating past ocean chemistry reconstructions from vast, previously untapped ocean areas.
Lukas Jonkers and Michal Kučera
Clim. Past, 13, 573–586,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
Planktonic foraminifera – the most important proxy carriers in palaeoceanography – adjust their seasonal and vertical habitat. They are thought to do so in a way that minimises the change in their environment, implying that proxy records based on these organisms may not capture the full amplitude of past climate change. Here we demonstrate that they indeed track a particular thermal habitat and suggest that this could lead to a 40 % underestimation of reconstructed temperature change.
Timothé Bolliet, Patrick Brockmann, Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Franck Bassinot, Valérie Daux, Dominique Genty, Amaelle Landais, Marlène Lavrieux, Elisabeth Michel, Pablo Ortega, Camille Risi, Didier M. Roche, Françoise Vimeux, and Claire Waelbroeck
Clim. Past, 12, 1693–1719,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
This paper presents a new database of past climate proxies which aims to facilitate the distribution of data by using a user-friendly interface. Available data from the last 40 years are often fragmented, with lots of different formats, and online libraries are sometimes nonintuitive. We thus built a new dynamic web portal for data browsing, visualizing, and batch downloading of hundreds of datasets presenting a homogeneous format.
André Düsterhus, Alessio Rovere, Anders E. Carlson, Benjamin P. Horton, Volker Klemann, Lev Tarasov, Natasha L. M. Barlow, Tom Bradwell, Jorie Clark, Andrea Dutton, W. Roland Gehrels, Fiona D. Hibbert, Marc P. Hijma, Nicole Khan, Robert E. Kopp, Dorit Sivan, and Torbjörn E. Törnqvist
Clim. Past, 12, 911–921,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
This review/position paper addresses problems in creating new interdisciplinary databases for palaeo-climatological sea-level and ice-sheet data and gives an overview on new advances to tackle them. The focus therein is to define and explain strategies and highlight their importance to allow further progress in these fields. It also offers important insights into the general problem of designing competitive databases which are also applicable to other communities within the palaeo-environment.
X. Shi, Y. Wu, J. Zou, Y. Liu, S. Ge, M. Zhao, J. Liu, A. Zhu, X. Meng, Z. Yao, and Y. Han
Clim. Past, 10, 1735–1750,,, 2014
D. K. Naik, R. Saraswat, N. Khare, A. C. Pandey, and R. Nigam
Clim. Past, 10, 745–758,,, 2014
S. Kasper, M. T. J. van der Meer, A. Mets, R. Zahn, J. S. Sinninghe Damsté, and S. Schouten
Clim. Past, 10, 251–260,,, 2014
R. J. Telford, C. Li, and M. Kucera
Clim. Past, 9, 859–870,,, 2013
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Short summary
Here, mid-ocean seasonality is resolved through time, using differences in the oxygen isotope composition between individual shells of the commonly used (sub)polar planktonic foraminifera species in ocean-climate reconstruction, N. pachyderma and G. bulloides. Single-specimen isotope measurements during the deglacial period revealed a surprising bimodality, the cause of which was investigated.
Here, mid-ocean seasonality is resolved through time, using differences in the oxygen isotope...