Articles | Volume 12, issue 2
Research article
15 Feb 2016
Research article |  | 15 Feb 2016

7300 years of vegetation history and climate for NW Malta: a Holocene perspective

B. Gambin, V. Andrieu-Ponel, F. Médail, N. Marriner, O. Peyron, V. Montade, T. Gambin, C. Morhange, D. Belkacem, and M. Djamali

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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Climate of the Past (CP).
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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).
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This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Climate of the Past (CP).
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Revised manuscript accepted for CP
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Cited articles

Anderson, E. W.: The wied: a representative Mediterranean landform, GeoJournal, 41, 111–114, 1997.
Andrieu, V., Brugiapaglia, E., Cheddadi, R., Reille, M., Beaulieu, J.-L., and Barbero, M.: A computerized data base for the palynological recording of human activity in the Mediterranean basin, in: Environmental Reconstruction in Mediterranean Landscape Archaeology, edited by: Leveau, P., Walsh, K., Trement, F., and Barker, G., Oxbow Books, Oxford, 17–24, 1999.
Avramidis, P., Geraga, M., Lazarova, M., and Kontopoulos, N.: Holocene record of environmental changes and palaeoclimatic implications in Alykes Lagoon, Zakynthos Island, western Greece, Mediterranean Sea, Quatern. Int., 293, 184–195, 2013.
Barker, G., Gilbertson, D., Jones, B., and Mattingly, D.: Farming the Desert, The UNESCO Libyan Valleys Archaeological Survey, Paris, UNESCO Publishing, Tripoli, Department of Antiquities, London, Society for Libyan Studies, edited by: Barker, G., Synthesis, Vol. 1, 404 pp., 1996.
Bar-Matthews, M. and Ayalon, A.: Mid-Holocene climate vari- ations revealed by high-resolution speleothem records from Soreq Cave, Israel and their correlations with cultural changes, Holocene, 21, 163–172, 2011.
Short summary
Based on the study of ancient microfossils, such as pollen and spores, this paper explores climate change in a Mediterranean island context. Using a multi-disciplinary approach this original research corroborates existing archaeological and historical data. It also uses comparative data from elsewhere in the central Mediterranean to ensure that the current research is placed within the appropriate geographic context.