Articles | Volume 12, issue 2
Research article
15 Feb 2016
Research article |  | 15 Feb 2016

7300 years of vegetation history and climate for NW Malta: a Holocene perspective

B. Gambin, V. Andrieu-Ponel, F. Médail, N. Marriner, O. Peyron, V. Montade, T. Gambin, C. Morhange, D. Belkacem, and M. Djamali


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Short summary
Based on the study of ancient microfossils, such as pollen and spores, this paper explores climate change in a Mediterranean island context. Using a multi-disciplinary approach this original research corroborates existing archaeological and historical data. It also uses comparative data from elsewhere in the central Mediterranean to ensure that the current research is placed within the appropriate geographic context.