Articles | Volume 11, issue 9
Research article
24 Sep 2015
Research article |  | 24 Sep 2015

Early-Holocene warming in Beringia and its mediation by sea-level and vegetation changes

P. J. Bartlein, M. E. Edwards, S. W. Hostetler, S. L. Shafer, P. M. Anderson, L. B. Brubaker, and A. V. Lozhkin

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Cited articles

Abbott, M. B., Finney, B. P., Edwards, M. E., and Kelts, K. R.: Lake-level reconstructions and paleohydrology of Birch Lake, central Alaska, based on seismic reflection profiles and core transects, Quaternary Res., 53, 154–166, 2000.
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Ager, T. A.: Late Quaternary vegetation and climate history of the central Bering land bridge from St. Michael Island, western Alaska, Quaternary Res., 60, 19–32, 2003.
Ager, T. A. and Phillips, R. L.: Pollen evidence for Late Pleistocene Bering land bridge environments from Norton Sound, Northeastern Bering Sea, Alaska, Arct. Antarct. Alp. Res., 40, 451–461, 2008.
Short summary
The ongoing warming of the Arctic is producing changes in vegetation and hydrology that, coupled with rising sea level, could mediate global changes. We explored this possibility using regional climate model simulations of a past interval of warming in Beringia and found that the regional-scale changes do strongly mediate the responses to global changes, amplifying them in some cases, damping them in others, and, overall, generating considerable spatial heterogeneity in climate change.