Articles | Volume 20, issue 3
Research article
13 Mar 2024
Research article |  | 13 Mar 2024

Reconstructing hydroclimate changes over the past 2500 years using speleothems from Pyrenean caves (NE Spain)

Miguel Bartolomé, Ana Moreno, Carlos Sancho, Isabel Cacho, Heather Stoll, Negar Haghipour, Ánchel Belmonte, Christoph Spötl, John Hellstrom, R. Lawrence Edwards, and Hai Cheng

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Affolter, S., Häuselmann, A., Fleitmann, D., Edwards, R. L., Cheng, H., and Leuenberger, M.: Central Europe temperature constrained by speleothem fluid inclusion water isotopes over the past 14 000 years, Science Advances, 5, eaav3809,, 2019. 
Ait Brahim, Y., Wassenburg, J. A., Sha, L., Cruz, F. W., Deininger, M., Sifeddine, A., Bouchaou, L., Spötl, C., Edwards, R. L., and Cheng, H.: North Atlantic Ice-Rafting, Ocean and Atmospheric Circulation During the Holocene: Insights From Western Mediterranean Speleothems, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 7614–7623,, 2019. 
Baker, A., Hellstrom, J. C., Kelly, B. F. J., Mariethoz, G., and Trouet, V.: A composite annual-resolution stalagmite record of North Atlantic climate over the last three millennia, Sci. Rep., 5, 10307,, 2015. 
Short summary
Reconstructing past temperatures at regional scales during the Common Era is necessary to place the current warming in the context of natural climate variability. We present a climate reconstruction based on eight stalagmites from four caves in the Pyrenees, NE Spain. These stalagmites were dated precisely and analysed for their oxygen isotopes, which appear dominated by temperature changes. Solar variability and major volcanic eruptions are the two main drivers of observed climate variability.