Articles | Volume 19, issue 4
Research article
05 Apr 2023
Research article |  | 05 Apr 2023

Holocene climates of the Iberian Peninsula: pollen-based reconstructions of changes in the west–east gradient of temperature and moisture

Mengmeng Liu, Yicheng Shen, Penelope González-Sampériz, Graciela Gil-Romera, Cajo J. F. ter Braak, Iain Colin Prentice, and Sandy P. Harrison

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Revised manuscript has not been submitted
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Cited articles

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Abel-Schaad, D., Hernández-Carretero, A. M., López-Merino, L., Pulido-Díaz, F. J., and López-Sáez, J. A.: Cabras y quemorros: tres siglos de cambios en el paisaje de la vertiente extremeña de la Sierra de Gredos, Rev. Estud. Extremenos, 65, 449–478, 2009a. 
Abel-Schaad, D., Hernández, A., López-Sáez, J. A., Pulido-Díaz, F. J., López-Merino, L., and Martínez-Cortizas, A.: Evolución de la vegetación en la Sierra de Gata (Cáceres–Salamanca, España) durante el Holoceno reciente. Implicaciones biogeográficas, Rev. Española Micropaleontol., 41, 91–105, 2009b. 
Abel-Schaad, D., Alba-Sánchez, F., Pérez-Díaz, S., and López-Sáez, J. A.: 36. Praillos de Boissier mire, Tejeda Natural Park (Baetic Range, southern Spain), Grana, 56, 475–477, 2017. 
Alba-Sánchez, F., López-Sáez, J. A., Abel-Schaad, D., Sabariego-Ruiz, S., Pérez-Díaz, S., González-Hernández, A., and Linares, J. C.: The impact of climate and land-use changes on the most southerly fir forests (Abies pinsapo) in Europe, The Holocene, 29, 1176–1188, 2019. 
Short summary
We reconstructed the Holocene climates in the Iberian Peninsula using a large pollen data set and found that the west–east moisture gradient was much flatter than today. We also found that the winter was much colder, which can be expected from the low winter insolation during the Holocene. However, summer temperature did not follow the trend of summer insolation, instead, it was strongly correlated with moisture.