Articles | Volume 20, issue 2
Research article
 | Highlight paper
26 Feb 2024
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 26 Feb 2024

A global compilation of diatom silica oxygen isotope records from lake sediment – trends and implications for climate reconstruction

Philip Meister, Anne Alexandre, Hannah Bailey, Philip Barker, Boris K. Biskaborn, Ellie Broadman, Rosine Cartier, Bernhard Chapligin, Martine Couapel, Jonathan R. Dean, Bernhard Diekmann, Poppy Harding, Andrew C. G. Henderson, Armand Hernandez, Ulrike Herzschuh, Svetlana S. Kostrova, Jack Lacey, Melanie J. Leng, Andreas Lücke, Anson W. Mackay, Eniko Katalin Magyari, Biljana Narancic, Cécile Porchier, Gunhild Rosqvist, Aldo Shemesh, Corinne Sonzogni, George E. A. Swann, Florence Sylvestre, and Hanno Meyer

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Lena River biogeochemistry captured by a 4.5-year high-frequency sampling program
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Faithful transfer of radiolarian silicon isotope signatures from water column to sediments in the South China Sea
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EGUsphere,,, 2024
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).
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Newly dated permafrost deposits and their paleo-ecological inventory reveal a much warmer-than-today Eemian in Arctic Siberia
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Preprint under review for CP
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Thermokarst lake change and lake hydrochemistry: A snapshot from the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska
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EGUsphere,,, 2024
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).
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Technical note: Large offsets between different datasets of sea water isotopic composition: an illustration of the need to reinforce intercalibration efforts
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EGUsphere,,, 2024
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Subject: Proxy Use-Development-Validation | Archive: Terrestrial Archives | Timescale: Holocene
A continental reconstruction of hydroclimatic variability in South America during the past 2000 years
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Revised manuscript accepted for CP
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Cited articles

Akse, S. P., Polerecky, L., Kienhuis, M. V. M., and Middelburg, J. J.: The influence of sediment diagenesis and aluminium on oxygen isotope exchange of diatom frustules, Geochim. Cosmochim. Ac., 333, 362–372,, 2022. 
Ampel, L., Wohlfarth, B., Risberg, J., Veres, D., Leng, M. J., and Tillman, P. K.: Diatom assemblage dynamics during abrupt climate change: the response of lacustrine diatoms to Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles during the last glacial period, J. Paleolimnol., 44, 397–404,, 2009. 
Bailey, H. L., Kaufman, D. S., Henderson, A. C., and Leng, M. J.: Synoptic scale controls on the δ18O in precipitation across Beringia, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 4608–4616,, 2015. 
Bailey, H. L., Kaufman, D. S., Sloane, H. J., Hubbard, A. L., Henderson, A. C. G., Leng, M. J., Meyer, H., and Welker, J. M.: Holocene atmospheric circulation in the central North Pacific: A new terrestrial diatom and δ18O dataset from the Aleutian Islands, Quaternary Sci. Rev., 194, 27–38,, 2018. 
The paper submitted by Meister and colleagues presents the first comprehensive compilation and assessment of diatom oxygen isotope records in lake sediments (δ18OBSi). The authors have supplemented these data with additional lake basin parameters (such as catchment size and residence times). The manuscript first infers the spatial and temporal coverage of δ18OBSi records and then discusses common hemispheric trends on centennial and millennial time scales, with key results such as: - Common patterns for hydrologically open lakes in extra-tropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere. - Common trends during the Common Era and throughout the Holocene corresponding to known climatic epochs such as the Holocene Thermal Maximum, Neoglacial cooling, the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age. This is a well-written manuscript that should make a valuable contribution to reconstructions of past climates.
Short summary
This paper presents the first comprehensive compilation of diatom oxygen isotope records in lake sediments (δ18OBSi), supported by lake basin parameters. We infer the spatial and temporal coverage of δ18OBSi records and discuss common hemispheric trends on centennial and millennial timescales. Key results are common patterns for hydrologically open lakes in Northern Hemisphere extratropical regions during the Holocene corresponding to known climatic epochs, i.e. the Holocene Thermal Maximum.