Articles | Volume 18, issue 6
Research article
27 Jun 2022
Research article |  | 27 Jun 2022

A 334-year coral record of surface temperature and salinity variability in the greater Agulhas Current region

Jens Zinke, Takaaki K. Watanabe, Siren Rühs, Miriam Pfeiffer, Stefan Grab, Dieter Garbe-Schönberg, and Arne Biastoch

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Cited articles

Backeberg, B. C. and Reason, C. J. C.: A connection between the South Equatorial Current north of Madagascar and Mozambique Channel eddies, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L04604,, 2010. 
Backeberg, B. C., Penven, P., and Rouault, M.: Impact of intensified Indian Ocean winds on mesoscale variability in the Agulhas system, Nat. Clim. Change, 2, 608–612, 2012. 
Beal, L. M. and Elipot, S.: Broadening not strengthening of the Agulhas Current since the early 1990s, Nature, 540, 570–573, 2016. 
Short summary
Salinity is an important and integrative measure of changes to the water cycle steered by changes to the balance between rainfall and evaporation and by vertical and horizontal movements of water parcels by ocean currents. However, salinity measurements in our oceans are extremely sparse. To fill this gap, we have developed a 334-year coral record of seawater oxygen isotopes that reflects salinity changes in the globally important Agulhas Current system and reveals its main oceanic drivers.