Articles | Volume 5, issue 3
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© Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under
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Glacial climate sensitivity to different states of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation: results from the IPSL model
M. Kageyama
LSCE/IPSL, UMR CEA-CNRS-UVSQ 1572, CE Saclay, L'Orme des Merisiers, Bât. 701, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
J. Mignot
LOCEAN, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Case courrier 100, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
D. Swingedouw
CERFACS, 42 Avenue Gaspard Coriolis 31057 Toulouse, France
C. Marzin
LSCE/IPSL, UMR CEA-CNRS-UVSQ 1572, CE Saclay, L'Orme des Merisiers, Bât. 701, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
R. Alkama
LSCE/IPSL, UMR CEA-CNRS-UVSQ 1572, CE Saclay, L'Orme des Merisiers, Bât. 701, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
CNRM, 42 av Coriolis, 31057 Toulouse cedex 1, France
O. Marti
LSCE/IPSL, UMR CEA-CNRS-UVSQ 1572, CE Saclay, L'Orme des Merisiers, Bât. 701, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
Related subject area
Subject: Climate Modelling | Archive: Modelling only | Timescale: Millenial/D-O
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The climate in the Baltic Sea region during the last millennium simulated with a regional climate model
Role of CO2 and Southern Ocean winds in glacial abrupt climate change
Heinrich event 1: an example of dynamical ice-sheet reaction to oceanic changes
Weakened atmospheric energy transport feedback in cold glacial climates
Water vapour source impacts on oxygen isotope variability in tropical precipitation during Heinrich events
Emmanuele Russo, Jonathan Buzan, Sebastian Lienert, Guillaume Jouvet, Patricio Velasquez Alvarez, Basil Davis, Patrick Ludwig, Fortunat Joos, and Christoph C. Raible
Clim. Past, 20, 449–465,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
We present a series of experiments conducted for the Last Glacial Maximum (~21 ka) over Europe using the regional climate Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) at convection-permitting resolutions. The model, with new developments better suited to paleo-studies, agrees well with pollen-based climate reconstructions. This agreement is improved when considering different sources of uncertainty. The effect of convection-permitting resolutions is also assessed.
Martin Renoult, Navjit Sagoo, Jiang Zhu, and Thorsten Mauritsen
Clim. Past, 19, 323–356,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
The relationship between the Last Glacial Maximum and the sensitivity of climate models to a doubling of CO2 can be used to estimate the true sensitivity of the Earth. However, this relationship has varied in successive model generations. In this study, we assess multiple processes at the Last Glacial Maximum which weaken this relationship. For example, how models respond to the presence of ice sheets is a large contributor of uncertainty.
Sam Sherriff-Tadano, Ayako Abe-Ouchi, Akira Oka, Takahito Mitsui, and Fuyuki Saito
Clim. Past, 17, 1919–1936,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
Glacial periods underwent climate shifts between warm states and cold states on a millennial timescale. Frequency of these climate shifts varied along time: it was shorter during mid-glacial period compared to early glacial period. Here, from climate simulations of early and mid-glacial periods with a comprehensive climate model, we show that the larger ice sheet in the mid-glacial compared to early glacial periods could contribute to the frequent climate shifts during the mid-glacial period.
Sam Sherriff-Tadano, Ayako Abe-Ouchi, and Akira Oka
Clim. Past, 17, 95–110,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
We perform simulations of Marine Isotope Stage 3 and 5a with an atmosphere–ocean general circulation model to explore the effect of the southward expansion of mid-glacial ice sheets on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and climate. We find that the southward expansion of the mid-glacial ice sheet causes a surface cooling over the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean, but it exerts a small impact on the AMOC due to the competing effects of surface wind and surface cooling.
Martin Renoult, James Douglas Annan, Julia Catherine Hargreaves, Navjit Sagoo, Clare Flynn, Marie-Luise Kapsch, Qiang Li, Gerrit Lohmann, Uwe Mikolajewicz, Rumi Ohgaito, Xiaoxu Shi, Qiong Zhang, and Thorsten Mauritsen
Clim. Past, 16, 1715–1735,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
Interest in past climates as sources of information for the climate system has grown in recent years. In particular, studies of the warm mid-Pliocene and cold Last Glacial Maximum showed relationships between the tropical surface temperature of the Earth and its sensitivity to an abrupt doubling of atmospheric CO2. In this study, we develop a new and promising statistical method and obtain similar results as previously observed, wherein the sensitivity does not seem to exceed extreme values.
Chuncheng Guo, Kerim H. Nisancioglu, Mats Bentsen, Ingo Bethke, and Zhongshi Zhang
Clim. Past, 15, 1133–1151,,, 2019
Short summary
Short summary
We present an equilibrium simulation of the climate of Marine Isotope Stage 3, with an IPCC-class model with a relatively high model resolution and a long integration. The simulated climate resembles a warm interstadial state, as indicated by reconstructions of Greenland temperature, sea ice extent, and AMOC. Sensitivity experiments to changes in atmospheric CO2 levels and ice sheet size show that the model is in a relatively stable climate state without multiple equilibria.
Florian Andreas Ziemen, Marie-Luise Kapsch, Marlene Klockmann, and Uwe Mikolajewicz
Clim. Past, 15, 153–168,,, 2019
Short summary
Short summary
Heinrich events are among the dominant modes of glacial climate variability. They are caused by massive ice discharges from the Laurentide Ice Sheet into the North Atlantic. In previous studies, the climate changes were either seen as resulting from freshwater released from the melt of the discharged icebergs or by ice sheet elevation changes. With a coupled ice sheet–climate model, we show that both effects are relevant with the freshwater effects preceding the ice sheet elevation effects.
Nicolas Brown and Eric D. Galbraith
Clim. Past, 12, 1663–1679,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
An Earth system model is used to explore variability in the global impacts of AMOC disruptions. The model exhibits spontaneous AMOC oscillations under particular boundary conditions, which we compare with freshwater-forced disruptions. We find that the global impacts are similar whether the AMOC disruptions are spontaneous or forced. Freshwater forcing generally amplifies the global impacts, with tropical precipitation and the stability of polar haloclines showing particular sensitivity.
Qing Wang, Houyun Zhou, Ke Cheng, Hong Chi, Chuan-Chou Shen, Changshan Wang, and Qianqian Ma
Clim. Past, 12, 871–881,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
The upper part of stalagmite ky1 (from top to 42.769 mm depth), consisting of 678 laminae, was collected from a cave in northern China, located in the East Asia monsoon area. The time of deposition ranges from AD 1217±20 to 1894±20. The analysis shows that both the variations in the thickness of the laminae themselves and the fluctuating degree of variation in the thickness of the laminae of stalagmite ky1 have obviously staged characteristics and synchronized with climate.
Svenja E. Bierstedt, Birgit Hünicke, Eduardo Zorita, Sebastian Wagner, and Juan José Gómez-Navarro
Clim. Past, 12, 317–338,,, 2016
P. Bakker and H. Renssen
Clim. Past, 10, 1633–1644,,, 2014
L. Menviel, A. Timmermann, T. Friedrich, and M. H. England
Clim. Past, 10, 63–77,,, 2014
M. Kageyama, U. Merkel, B. Otto-Bliesner, M. Prange, A. Abe-Ouchi, G. Lohmann, R. Ohgaito, D. M. Roche, J. Singarayer, D. Swingedouw, and X Zhang
Clim. Past, 9, 935–953,,, 2013
B. F. Farrell and D. S. Abbot
Clim. Past, 8, 2061–2067,,, 2012
S. Schimanke, H. E. M. Meier, E. Kjellström, G. Strandberg, and R. Hordoir
Clim. Past, 8, 1419–1433,,, 2012
R. Banderas, J. Álvarez-Solas, and M. Montoya
Clim. Past, 8, 1011–1021,,, 2012
J. Álvarez-Solas, M. Montoya, C. Ritz, G. Ramstein, S. Charbit, C. Dumas, K. Nisancioglu, T. Dokken, and A. Ganopolski
Clim. Past, 7, 1297–1306,,, 2011
I. Cvijanovic, P. L. Langen, and E. Kaas
Clim. Past, 7, 1061–1073,,, 2011
S. C. Lewis, A. N. LeGrande, M. Kelley, and G. A. Schmidt
Clim. Past, 6, 325–343,,, 2010
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