Articles | Volume 20, issue 11
Research article
08 Nov 2024
Research article |  | 08 Nov 2024

Processes, spatial patterns, and impacts of the 1743 extreme-heat event in northern China: from the perspective of historical documents

Le Tao, Yun Su, Xudong Chen, and Fangyu Tian

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Subject: Proxy Use-Development-Validation | Archive: Historical Records | Timescale: Decadal-Seasonal
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Cited articles

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Brázdil, R., Demarée, G. R., Kiss, A., Dobrovolný, P., Chromá, K., Trnka, M., Dolák, L., Řezníčková, L., Zahradníček, P., Limanowka, D., and Jourdain, S.: The extreme drought of 1842 in Europe as described by both documentary data and instrumental measurements, Clim. Past, 15, 1861–1884,, 2019. 
Short summary
Our study collected 63 historical documents on the extreme heat of 1743 from three kinds of historical materials. Using text analysis methods, such as keyword extraction, grading, and classification, we reconstructed the 1743 extreme heat event. This heat event developed cumulatively, and the key areas affected are consistent with those impacted in modern times. Timely cooling and reducing exposure have been limited but necessary means of addressing extreme heat in both ancient and modern times.