Articles | Volume 16, issue 6
Research article
20 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 20 Nov 2020

Aridification signatures from fossil pollen indicate a drying climate in east-central Tibet during the late Eocene

Qin Yuan, Natasha Barbolini, Catarina Rydin, Dong-Lin Gao, Hai-Cheng Wei, Qi-Shun Fan, Zhan-Jie Qin, Yong-Sheng Du, Jun-Jie Shan, Fa-Shou Shan, and Vivi Vajda


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Short summary
Fossil pollen and spores reveal that a strongly seasonal steppe–desert ecosystem existed in the Nangqian Basin, east-central Tibet during the late Eocene (41.2–37.8 Ma). Vegetation was characterized by drought-tolerant shrubs, diverse ferns, and broad-leaved forests. The climate warmed temporarily, then rapidly aridified thereafter due to westward regression of the proto-Paratethys Sea from Eurasia. Sea retreat was a main driver of widespread long-term Asian aridification during the late Eocene.