Articles | Volume 14, issue 7
© Author(s) 2018. This work is distributed under
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the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
© Author(s) 2018. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Tracing winter temperatures over the last two millennia using a north-east Atlantic coastal record
Irina Polovodova Asteman
Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Carl
Skottsbergsgata 22B, 41319 Gothenburg, Sweden
Currently at: Marin Mätteknik (MMT) Sweden AB, Sven Källfelts
Gata 11, 42671, Gothenburg, Sweden
Helena L. Filipsson
Department of Geology, University of Lund, Sölvegatan 12,
22362 Lund, Sweden
Kjell Nordberg
Department of Marine Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Carl
Skottsbergsgata 22B, 41319 Gothenburg, Sweden
Related authors
Anna Binczewska, Bjørg Risebrobakken, Irina Polovodova Asteman, Matthias Moros, Amandine Tisserand, Eystein Jansen, and Andrzej Witkowski
Biogeosciences, 15, 5909–5928,,, 2018
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Primary productivity is an important factor in the functioning and structuring of the coastal ecosystem. Thus, two sediment cores from the Skagerrak (North Sea) were investigated in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of primary productivity changes during the last millennium and identify associated forcing factors (e.g. anthropogenic, climate). The cores were dated and analysed for palaeoproductivity proxies and palaeothermometers.
Babette A.A. Hoogakker, Catherine Davis, Yi Wang, Stephanie Kusch, Katrina Nilsson-Kerr, Dalton S. Hardisty, Allison Jacobel, Dharma Reyes Macaya, Nicolaas Glock, Sha Ni, Julio Sepúlveda, Abby Ren, Alexandra Auderset, Anya V. Hess, Katrin J. Meissner, Jorge Cardich, Robert Anderson, Christine Barras, Chandranath Basak, Harold J. Bradbury, Inda Brinkmann, Alexis Castillo, Madelyn Cook, Kassandra Costa, Constance Choquel, Paula Diz, Jonas Donnenfield, Felix J. Elling, Zeynep Erdem, Helena L. Filipsson, Sebastián Garrido, Julia Gottschalk, Anjaly Govindankutty Menon, Jeroen Groeneveld, Christian Hallmann, Ingrid Hendy, Rick Hennekam, Wanyi Lu, Jean Lynch-Stieglitz, Lélia Matos, Alfredo Martínez-García, Giulia Molina, Práxedes Muñoz, Simone Moretti, Jennifer Morford, Sophie Nuber, Svetlana Radionovskaya, Morgan Reed Raven, Christopher J. Somes, Anja S. Studer, Kazuyo Tachikawa, Raúl Tapia, Martin Tetard, Tyler Vollmer, Xingchen Wang, Shuzhuang Wu, Yan Zhang, Xin-Yuan Zheng, and Yuxin Zhou
Biogeosciences, 22, 863–957,,, 2025
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Paleo-oxygen proxies can extend current records, constrain pre-anthropogenic baselines, provide datasets necessary to test climate models under different boundary conditions, and ultimately understand how ocean oxygenation responds on longer timescales. Here we summarize current proxies used for the reconstruction of Cenozoic seawater oxygen levels. This includes an overview of the proxy's history, how it works, resources required, limitations, and future recommendations.
K. Mareike Paul, Martijn Hermans, Sami A. Jokinen, Inda Brinkmann, Helena L. Filipsson, and Tom Jilbert
Biogeosciences, 20, 5003–5028,,, 2023
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Seawater naturally contains trace metals such as Mo and U, which accumulate under low oxygen conditions on the seafloor. Previous studies have used sediment Mo and U contents as an archive of changing oxygen concentrations in coastal waters. Here we show that in fjords the use of Mo and U for this purpose may be impaired by additional processes. Our findings have implications for the reliable use of Mo and U to reconstruct oxygen changes in fjords.
Inda Brinkmann, Christine Barras, Tom Jilbert, Tomas Næraa, K. Mareike Paul, Magali Schweizer, and Helena L. Filipsson
Biogeosciences, 19, 2523–2535,,, 2022
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The concentration of the trace metal barium (Ba) in coastal seawater is a function of continental input, such as riverine discharge. Our geochemical records of the severely hot and dry year 2018, and following wet year 2019, reveal that prolonged drought imprints with exceptionally low Ba concentrations in benthic foraminiferal calcium carbonates of coastal sediments. This highlights the potential of benthic Ba / Ca to trace past climate extremes and variability in coastal marine records.
Constance Choquel, Emmanuelle Geslin, Edouard Metzger, Helena L. Filipsson, Nils Risgaard-Petersen, Patrick Launeau, Manuel Giraud, Thierry Jauffrais, Bruno Jesus, and Aurélia Mouret
Biogeosciences, 18, 327–341,,, 2021
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Marine microorganisms such as foraminifera are able to live temporarily without oxygen in sediments. In a Swedish fjord subjected to seasonal oxygen scarcity, a change in fauna linked to the decrease in oxygen and the increase in an invasive species was shown. The invasive species respire nitrate until 100 % of the nitrate porewater in the sediment and could be a major contributor to nitrogen balance in oxic coastal ecosystems. But prolonged hypoxia creates unfavorable conditions to survive.
Laurie M. Charrieau, Karl Ljung, Frederik Schenk, Ute Daewel, Emma Kritzberg, and Helena L. Filipsson
Biogeosciences, 16, 3835–3852,,, 2019
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We reconstructed environmental changes in the Öresund during the last 200 years, using foraminifera (microfossils), sediment, and climate data. Five zones were identified, reflecting oxygen, salinity, food content, and pollution levels for each period. The largest changes occurred ~ 1950, towards stronger currents. The foraminifera responded quickly (< 10 years) to the changes. Moreover, they did not rebound when the system returned to the previous pattern, but displayed a new equilibrium state.
Anna Binczewska, Bjørg Risebrobakken, Irina Polovodova Asteman, Matthias Moros, Amandine Tisserand, Eystein Jansen, and Andrzej Witkowski
Biogeosciences, 15, 5909–5928,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
Primary productivity is an important factor in the functioning and structuring of the coastal ecosystem. Thus, two sediment cores from the Skagerrak (North Sea) were investigated in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of primary productivity changes during the last millennium and identify associated forcing factors (e.g. anthropogenic, climate). The cores were dated and analysed for palaeoproductivity proxies and palaeothermometers.
Jeroen Groeneveld, Helena L. Filipsson, William E. N. Austin, Kate Darling, David McCarthy, Nadine B. Quintana Krupinski, Clare Bird, and Magali Schweizer
J. Micropalaeontol., 37, 403–429,,, 2018
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Current climate and environmental changes strongly affect shallow marine and coastal areas like the Baltic Sea. The combination of foraminiferal geochemistry and environmental parameters demonstrates that in a highly variable setting like the Baltic Sea, it is possible to separate different environmental impacts on the foraminiferal assemblages and therefore use chemical factors to reconstruct how seawater temperature, salinity, and oxygen varied in the past and may vary in the future.
Laurie M. Charrieau, Lene Bryngemark, Ingemar Hansson, and Helena L. Filipsson
J. Micropalaeontol., 37, 191–194,,, 2018
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Splitting samples into smaller subsamples is often necessary in micropalaeontological studies. Indeed, the general high abundance of microfossils – which makes them excellent tools to reconstruct past environments – also results in very time-consuming faunal analyses. Here we present an improved and cost-effective wet splitter for micropalaeontological samples aimed to reduce picking time, while keeping information loss to a minimum.
Ulrich Kotthoff, Jeroen Groeneveld, Jeanine L. Ash, Anne-Sophie Fanget, Nadine Quintana Krupinski, Odile Peyron, Anna Stepanova, Jonathan Warnock, Niels A. G. M. Van Helmond, Benjamin H. Passey, Ole Rønø Clausen, Ole Bennike, Elinor Andrén, Wojciech Granoszewski, Thomas Andrén, Helena L. Filipsson, Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Caroline P. Slomp, and Thorsten Bauersachs
Biogeosciences, 14, 5607–5632,,, 2017
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We present reconstructions of paleotemperature, paleosalinity, and paleoecology from the Little Belt (Site M0059) over the past ~ 8000 years and evaluate the applicability of numerous proxies. Conditions were lacustrine until ~ 7400 cal yr BP. A transition to brackish–marine conditions then occurred within ~ 200 years. Salinity proxies rarely allowed quantitative estimates but revealed congruent results, while quantitative temperature reconstructions differed depending on the proxies used.
Wenxin Ning, Jing Tang, and Helena L. Filipsson
Earth Surf. Dynam., 4, 773–780,,, 2016
J. M. Bernhard, W. G. Phalen, A. McIntyre-Wressnig, F. Mezzo, J. C. Wit, M. Jeglinski, and H. L. Filipsson
Biogeosciences, 12, 5515–5522,,, 2015
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We present an innovative method using osmotic pumps and the fluorescent marker calcein to help identify where and when calcareous bottom-dwelling organisms mineralize in sediments. These organisms, and their geochemical signatures in their carbonate, are the ocean’s storytellers helping us understand past marine conditions. For many species, the timing and location of their calcite growth is not known. Knowing this will enable us to reconstruct past marine environments with greater accuracy.
C. L. McKay, J. Groeneveld, H. L. Filipsson, D. Gallego-Torres, M. J. Whitehouse, T. Toyofuku, and O.E. Romero
Biogeosciences, 12, 5415–5428,,, 2015
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We highlight the proxy potential of foraminiferal Mn/Ca determined by secondary ion mass spectrometry and flow-through inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy for recording changes in bottom-water oxygen conditions. Comparisons with Mn sediment bulk measurements from the same sediment core largely agree with the results. High foraminiferal Mn/Ca occurs in samples from times of high productivity export and corresponds with the benthic foraminiferal faunal composition.
M. P. Nardelli, C. Barras, E. Metzger, A. Mouret, H. L. Filipsson, F. Jorissen, and E. Geslin
Biogeosciences, 11, 4029–4038,,, 2014
J. Groeneveld and H. L. Filipsson
Biogeosciences, 10, 5125–5138,,, 2013
B. C. Lougheed, H. L. Filipsson, and I. Snowball
Clim. Past, 9, 1015–1028,,, 2013
I. Polovodova Asteman, K. Nordberg, and H. L. Filipsson
Biogeosciences, 10, 1275–1290,,, 2013
Related subject area
Subject: Proxy Use-Development-Validation | Archive: Marine Archives | Timescale: Holocene
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Katrin Hättig, Devika Varma, Stefan Schouten, and Marcel T. J. van der Meer
Clim. Past, 19, 1919–1930,,, 2023
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Water isotopes, both hydrogen and oxygen, correlate with the salinity of the sea. Here we reconstruct the surface seawater isotopic composition during the last deglaciation based on the measured hydrogen isotopic composition of alkenones, organic compounds derived from haptophyte algae, and compared it to oxygen isotopes of calcite shells produced in the bottom water. Our results suggest that surface seawater experienced more freshening during the last 20 000 years than the bottom seawater.
Julia Rieke Hagemann, Lester Lembke-Jene, Frank Lamy, Maria-Elena Vorrath, Jérôme Kaiser, Juliane Müller, Helge W. Arz, Jens Hefter, Andrea Jaeschke, Nicoletta Ruggieri, and Ralf Tiedemann
Clim. Past, 19, 1825–1845,,, 2023
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Alkenones and glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether lipids (GDGTs) are common biomarkers for past water temperatures. In high latitudes, determining temperature reliably is challenging. We analyzed 33 Southern Ocean sediment surface samples and evaluated widely used global calibrations for both biomarkers. For GDGT-based temperatures, previously used calibrations best reflect temperatures >5° C; (sub)polar temperature bias necessitates a new calibration which better aligns with modern values.
Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté, Lisa A. Warden, Carlo Berg, Klaus Jürgens, and Matthias Moros
Clim. Past, 18, 2271–2288,,, 2022
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Reconstruction of past climate conditions is important for understanding current climate change. These reconstructions are derived from proxies, enabling reconstructions of, e.g., past temperature, precipitation, vegetation, and sea surface temperature (SST). Here we investigate a recently developed SST proxy based on membrane lipids of ammonium-oxidizing archaea in the ocean. We show that low salinities substantially affect the proxy calibration by examining Holocene Baltic Sea sediments.
Darrell S. Kaufman and Nicholas P. McKay
Clim. Past, 18, 911–917,,, 2022
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Global mean surface temperatures are rising to levels unprecedented in over 100 000 years. This conclusion takes into account both recent global warming and likely future warming, which thereby enables a direct comparison with paleotemperature reconstructions on multi-century timescales.
Gabriella M. Weiss, Julie Lattaud, Marcel T. J. van der Meer, and Timothy I. Eglinton
Clim. Past, 18, 233–248,,, 2022
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Here we study the elemental signatures of plant wax compounds as well as molecules from algae and bacteria to understand how water sources changed over the last 11 000 years in the northeastern part of Europe surrounding the Baltic Sea. Our results show diversity in plant and aquatic microorganisms following the melting of the large ice sheet that covered northern Europe as the regional climate continued to warm. A shift in water source from ice melt to rain also occurred around the same time.
Teodora Pados-Dibattista, Christof Pearce, Henrieka Detlef, Jørgen Bendtsen, and Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz
Clim. Past, 18, 103–127,,, 2022
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We carried out foraminiferal, stable isotope, and sedimentological analyses of a marine sediment core retrieved from the Northeast Greenland shelf. This region is highly sensitive to climate variability because it is swept by the East Greenland Current, which is the main pathway for sea ice and cold waters that exit the Arctic Ocean. The palaeoceanographic reconstruction reveals significant variations in the water masses and in the strength of the East Greenland Current over the last 9400 years.
Andrew M. Dolman, Torben Kunz, Jeroen Groeneveld, and Thomas Laepple
Clim. Past, 17, 825–841,,, 2021
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Uncertainties in climate proxy records are temporally autocorrelated. By deriving expressions for the power spectra of errors in proxy records, we can estimate appropriate uncertainties for any timescale, for example, for temporally smoothed records or for time slices. Here we outline and demonstrate this approach for climate proxies recovered from marine sediment cores.
Linda K. Dämmer, Lennart de Nooijer, Erik van Sebille, Jan G. Haak, and Gert-Jan Reichart
Clim. Past, 16, 2401–2414,,, 2020
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The compositions of foraminifera shells often vary with environmental parameters such as temperature or salinity; thus, they can be used as proxies for these environmental variables. Often a single proxy is influenced by more than one parameter. Here, we show that while salinity impacts shell Na / Ca, temperature has no effect. We also show that the combination of different proxies (Mg / Ca and δ18O) to reconstruct salinity does not seem to work as previously thought.
Torben Kunz, Andrew M. Dolman, and Thomas Laepple
Clim. Past, 16, 1469–1492,,, 2020
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This paper introduces a method to estimate the uncertainty of climate reconstructions from single sediment proxy records. The method can compute uncertainties as a function of averaging timescale, thereby accounting for the fact that some components of the uncertainty are autocorrelated in time. This is achieved by treating the problem in the spectral domain. Fully analytic expressions are derived. A companion paper (Part 2) complements this with application-oriented examples of the method.
Giulia Faucher, Ulf Riebesell, and Lennart Thomas Bach
Clim. Past, 16, 1007–1025,,, 2020
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We designed five experiments choosing different coccolithophore species that have been evolutionarily distinct for millions of years. If all species showed the same morphological response to an environmental driver, this could be indicative of a response pattern that is conserved over geological timescales. We found an increase in the percentage of malformed coccoliths under altered CO2, providing evidence that this response could be used as paleo-proxy for episodes of acute CO2 perturbations.
Yue Hu, Xiaoming Sun, Hai Cheng, and Hong Yan
Clim. Past, 16, 597–610,,, 2020
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Tridacna, as the largest marine bivalves, can be used for high-resolution paleoclimate reconstruction in its carbonate skeleton. In this contribution, the modern δ18O shell is suggested to be a proxy for sea surface temperature in the Xisha Islands, South China Sea. Data from a fossil Tridacna (3673 ± 28 BP) indicate a warmer climate and intense ENSO-related variability but reduced ENSO frequency and more extreme El Niño winters compared to modern Tridacna.
Maria Reschke, Kira Rehfeld, and Thomas Laepple
Clim. Past, 15, 521–537,,, 2019
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We empirically estimate signal-to-noise ratios of temperature proxy records used in global compilations of the middle to late Holocene by comparing the spatial correlation structure of proxy records and climate model simulations accounting for noise and time uncertainty. We find that low signal contents of the proxy records or, alternatively, more localised climate variations recorded by proxies than suggested by current model simulations suggest caution when interpreting multi-proxy datasets.
Andrew M. Dolman and Thomas Laepple
Clim. Past, 14, 1851–1868,,, 2018
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Climate proxies from marine sediments provide an important record of past temperatures, but contain noise from many sources. These include mixing by burrowing organisms, seasonal and habitat biases, measurement error, and small sample size effects. We have created a forward model that simulates the creation of proxy records and provides it as a user-friendly R package. It allows multiple sources of uncertainty to be considered together when interpreting proxy climate records.
Christof Pearce, Aron Varhelyi, Stefan Wastegård, Francesco Muschitiello, Natalia Barrientos, Matt O'Regan, Thomas M. Cronin, Laura Gemery, Igor Semiletov, Jan Backman, and Martin Jakobsson
Clim. Past, 13, 303–316,,, 2017
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The eruption of the Alaskan Aniakchak volcano of 3.6 thousand years ago was one of the largest Holocene eruptions worldwide. The resulting ash is found in several Alaskan sites and as far as Newfoundland and Greenland. In this study, we found ash from the Aniakchak eruption in a marine sediment core from the western Chukchi Sea in the Arctic Ocean. Combined with radiocarbon dates on mollusks, the volcanic age marker is used to calculate the marine radiocarbon reservoir age at that time.
Anne-Sophie Fanget, Maria-Angela Bassetti, Christophe Fontanier, Alina Tudryn, and Serge Berné
Clim. Past, 12, 2161–2179,,, 2016
Maria-Angela Bassetti, Serge Berné, Marie-Alexandrine Sicre, Bernard Dennielou, Yoann Alonso, Roselyne Buscail, Bassem Jalali, Bertil Hebert, and Christophe Menniti
Clim. Past, 12, 1539–1553,,, 2016
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This work represents the first attempt to decipher the linkages between rapid climate changes and continental Holocene paleohydrology in the NW Mediterranean shallow marine setting. Between 11 and 4 ka cal BP, terrigenous input increased and reached a maximum at 7 ka cal BP, probably as a result of a humid phase. From ca. 4 ka cal BP to the present, enhanced variability in the land-derived material is possibly due to large-scale atmospheric circulation and rainfall patterns in western Europe.
Mathias Trachsel and Richard J. Telford
Clim. Past, 12, 1215–1223,,, 2016
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In spatially structured environments, conventional cross validation results in over-optimistic transfer function performance estimates. H-block cross validation, where all samples within h kilometres of the test samples are omitted is a method for obtaining unbiased transfer function performance estimates. We assess three methods for determining the optimal h using simulated data and published transfer functions. Some transfer functions perform notably worse when h-block cross validation is used.
B. Jalali, M.-A. Sicre, M.-A. Bassetti, and N. Kallel
Clim. Past, 12, 91–101,,, 2016
K. Tachikawa, L. Vidal, M. Cornuault, M. Garcia, A. Pothin, C. Sonzogni, E. Bard, G. Menot, and M. Revel
Clim. Past, 11, 855–867,,, 2015
M. Moreau, T. Corrège, E. P. Dassié, and F. Le Cornec
Clim. Past, 11, 523–532,,, 2015
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The influence of salinity on the Porites Sr/Ca palaeothermometer is still poorly documented. We test the salinity effect on Porites Sr/Ca-based SST reconstructions using a large spatial compilation of published Porites data from the Pacific, Indian Ocean, and the Red Sea. We find no evidence of a salinity bias in the Sr/Ca SST proxy at monthly and interannual timescales using two different salinity products. This result is in agreement with laboratory experiments on coral species.
S. M. P. Berben, K. Husum, P. Cabedo-Sanz, and S. T. Belt
Clim. Past, 10, 181–198,,, 2014
D. J. R. Thornalley, M. Blaschek, F. J. Davies, S. Praetorius, D. W. Oppo, J. F. McManus, I. R. Hall, H. Kleiven, H. Renssen, and I. N. McCave
Clim. Past, 9, 2073–2084,,, 2013
M.-A. Sicre, G. Siani, D. Genty, N. Kallel, and L. Essallami
Clim. Past, 9, 1375–1383,,, 2013
S. Alessio, G. Vivaldo, C. Taricco, and M. Ghil
Clim. Past, 8, 831–839,,, 2012
B. Christiansen and F. C. Ljungqvist
Clim. Past, 8, 765–786,,, 2012
V. Nieto-Moreno, F. Martínez-Ruiz, S. Giralt, F. Jiménez-Espejo, D. Gallego-Torres, M. Rodrigo-Gámiz, J. García-Orellana, M. Ortega-Huertas, and G. J. de Lange
Clim. Past, 7, 1395–1414,,, 2011
C. Martín-Puertas, F. Jiménez-Espejo, F. Martínez-Ruiz, V. Nieto-Moreno, M. Rodrigo, M. P. Mata, and B. L. Valero-Garcés
Clim. Past, 6, 807–816,,, 2010
C. Andersson, F. S. R. Pausata, E. Jansen, B. Risebrobakken, and R. J. Telford
Clim. Past, 6, 179–193,,, 2010
I. Dormoy, O. Peyron, N. Combourieu Nebout, S. Goring, U. Kotthoff, M. Magny, and J. Pross
Clim. Past, 5, 615–632,,, 2009
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Short summary
We present 2500 years of winter temperatures, using a sediment record from Gullmar Fjord analyzed for stable oxygen isotopes in benthic foraminifera. Reconstructed temperatures are within the annual temperature variability recorded in the fjord since the 1890s. Results show the warm Roman and Medieval periods and the cold Little Ice Age. The record also shows the recent warming, which does not stand out in the 2500-year perspective and is comparable to the Roman and Medieval climate anomalies.
We present 2500 years of winter temperatures, using a sediment record from Gullmar Fjord...