Articles | Volume 11, issue 6
Research article
01 Jun 2015
Research article |  | 01 Jun 2015

A 500-year seasonally resolved δ18O and δ13C, layer thickness and calcite aspect record from a speleothem deposited in the Han-sur-Lesse cave, Belgium

M. Van Rampelbergh, S. Verheyden, M. Allan, Y. Quinif, H. Cheng, L. R. Edwards, E. Keppens, and P. Claeys

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Monitoring of a fast-growing speleothem site from the Han-sur-Lesse cave, Belgium, indicates equilibrium deposition of the seasonal δ18O and δ13C signals in the calcite
M. Van Rampelbergh, S. Verheyden, M Allan, Y. Quinif, E. Keppens, and P. Claeys
Clim. Past, 10, 1871–1885,,, 2014

Related subject area

Subject: Proxy Use-Development-Validation | Archive: Terrestrial Archives | Timescale: Decadal-Seasonal
Hydroclimatic anomalies detected by a sub-decadal diatom oxygen isotope record of the last 220 years from Lake Khamra, Siberia
Amelie Stieg, Boris K. Biskaborn, Ulrike Herzschuh, Jens Strauss, Luidmila Pestryakova, and Hanno Meyer
Clim. Past, 20, 909–933,,, 2024
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Large-scale climate signals of a European oxygen isotope network from tree rings
Daniel F. Balting, Monica Ionita, Martin Wegmann, Gerhard Helle, Gerhard H. Schleser, Norel Rimbu, Mandy B. Freund, Ingo Heinrich, Diana Caldarescu, and Gerrit Lohmann
Clim. Past, 17, 1005–1023,,, 2021
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The response of annual minimum temperature on the eastern central Tibetan Plateau to large volcanic eruptions over the period 1380–2014 CE
Yajun Wang, Xuemei Shao, Yong Zhang, and Mingqi Li
Clim. Past, 17, 241–252,,, 2021
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Last Millennium Reanalysis with an expanded proxy database and seasonal proxy modeling
Robert Tardif, Gregory J. Hakim, Walter A. Perkins, Kaleb A. Horlick, Michael P. Erb, Julien Emile-Geay, David M. Anderson, Eric J. Steig, and David Noone
Clim. Past, 15, 1251–1273,,, 2019
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Introduction to the special issue “Climate of the past 2000 years: regional and trans-regional syntheses”
Chris S. M. Turney, Helen V. McGregor, Pierre Francus, Nerilie Abram, Michael N. Evans, Hugues Goosse, Lucien von Gunten, Darrell Kaufman, Hans Linderholm, Marie-France Loutre, and Raphael Neukom
Clim. Past, 15, 611–615,,, 2019
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Cited articles

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Boch, R., Spoetl, C., and Kramers, J.: High-resolution isotope record of early Holocene rapid climate change from two coeval stalagmites of Katerloch cave, Austria, Quaternary Sci. Rev., 28, 2527–2538, 2009.
Bonniver, I.: Etude Hyrogeologique et dimmensionnement par modelisation du "systeme-tracage" du reseau karstique the Han-sur-Lesse (Massif de Boine, Belgique), Geologie, FUNDP Namur, Namur, 93–97, 2011.
Cheng, H., Edwards, R. L., Hoff, J., Gallup, C. D., Richards, D. A., and Asmerom, Y.: The half-lives of uranium-234 and thorium-230, Chem. Geol., 169, 17–33, 2000.