Articles | Volume 11, issue 1
Research article
07 Jan 2015
Research article |  | 07 Jan 2015

Holocene environmental changes in the highlands of the southern Peruvian Andes (14° S) and their impact on pre-Columbian cultures

K. Schittek, M. Forbriger, B. Mächtle, F. Schäbitz, V. Wennrich, M. Reindel, and B. Eitel

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Clim. Past, 12, 1165–1180,,, 2016
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Subject: Teleconnections | Archive: Terrestrial Archives | Timescale: Holocene
The 8.2 ka event in northern Spain: timing, structure and climatic impact from a multi-proxy speleothem record
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Teleconnections and relationship between the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) in reconstructions and models over the past millennium
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The 4.2 ka BP Event in northeastern China: a geospatial perspective
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Evaluating the timing and structure of the 4.2 ka event in the Indian summer monsoon domain from an annually resolved speleothem record from Northeast India
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Was the Little Ice Age more or less El Niño-like than the Medieval Climate Anomaly? Evidence from hydrological and temperature proxy data
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Cited articles

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