Articles | Volume 9, issue 5
Research article
26 Sep 2013
Research article |  | 26 Sep 2013

Major dust events in Europe during marine isotope stage 5 (130–74 ka): a climatic interpretation of the "markers"

D.-D. Rousseau, M. Ghil, G. Kukla, A. Sima, P. Antoine, M. Fuchs, C. Hatté, F. Lagroix, M. Debret, and O. Moine

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Abrupt climate changes and the astronomical theory: are they related?
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A tribute to Ložek (1965): The problem of loess formation and the loess molluscs
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E&G Quaternary Sci. J., 70, 229–233,,, 2021
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Dansgaard–Oeschger-like events of the penultimate climate cycle: the loess point of view
Denis-Didier Rousseau, Pierre Antoine, Niklas Boers, France Lagroix, Michael Ghil, Johanna Lomax, Markus Fuchs, Maxime Debret, Christine Hatté, Olivier Moine, Caroline Gauthier, Diana Jordanova, and Neli Jordanova
Clim. Past, 16, 713–727,,, 2020
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Rapid waxing and waning of Beringian ice sheet reconcile glacial climate records from around North Pacific
Zhongshi Zhang, Qing Yan, Ran Zhang, Florence Colleoni, Gilles Ramstein, Gaowen Dai, Martin Jakobsson, Matt O'Regan, Stefan Liess, Denis-Didier Rousseau, Naiqing Wu, Elizabeth J. Farmer, Camille Contoux, Chuncheng Guo, Ning Tan, and Zhengtang Guo
Clim. Past Discuss.,,, 2020
Manuscript not accepted for further review
Short summary

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Subject: Atmospheric Dynamics | Archive: Terrestrial Archives | Timescale: Millenial/D-O
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Clim. Past, 20, 841–864,,, 2024
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Multiscale monsoon variability during the last two climatic cycles revealed by spectral signals in Chinese loess and speleothem records
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Interhemispheric gradient of atmospheric radiocarbon reveals natural variability of Southern Ocean winds
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Clim. Past, 7, 1123–1138,,, 2011
North Atlantic abrupt climatic events of the last glacial period recorded in Ukrainian loess deposits
D.-D. Rousseau, P. Antoine, N. Gerasimenko, A. Sima, M. Fuchs, C. Hatté, O. Moine, and L. Zoeller
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Cited articles

An, Z. S., Kukla, G., Porter, S. C., and Xiao, J. L.: Magnetic susceptibility evidence of monsoon variation on the loess plateau of Central China during the last 130,000 years., Quaternary Res., 36, 29–36, 1991.
Antoine, P., Rousseau, D. D., Lautridou, J. P., and Hatté, C.: Last interglacial-glacial climatic cycle in loess-paleosol successions of north-western France, Boreas, 28, 551–563, 1999.
Antoine, P., Rousseau, D. D., Zöller, L., Lang, A., Munaut, A. V., Hatté, C., and Fontugne, M.: High-resolution record of the last interglacial-glacial cycle in the loess palaeosol sequences of Nussloch (Rhine Valley-Germany), Quaternary Int., 76/77, 211–229, 2001.
Antoine, P., Rousseau, D. D., Fuchs, M., Hatte, C., Gauthier, C., Markovic, S. B., Jovanovic, M., Gaudenyi, T., Moine, O., and Rossignol, J.: High-resolution record of the last climatic cycle in the southern Carpathian Basin (Surduk, Vojvodina, Serbia), Quaternary Int., 198, 19–36,, 2009a.