Articles | Volume 9, issue 4
© Author(s) 2013. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
© Author(s) 2013. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
The last 7 millennia of vegetation and climate changes at Lago di Pergusa (central Sicily, Italy)
L. Sadori
Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma, Italy
E. Ortu
CNRS, UMR6249, Laboratoire Chrono-Environnement, 16 route de Gray, 25030 Besançon cedex, France
O. Peyron
CNRS, UMR6249, Laboratoire Chrono-Environnement, 16 route de Gray, 25030 Besançon cedex, France
CBAE, UMR5059, CNRS, Université Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France
G. Zanchetta
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Pisa, Via S. Maria 53, 56126 Pisa, Italy
B. Vannière
CNRS, UMR6249, Laboratoire Chrono-Environnement, 16 route de Gray, 25030 Besançon cedex, France
M. Desmet
EA 6293 GéHCO, Université de Tours, 37000 Tours, France
M. Magny
CNRS, UMR6249, Laboratoire Chrono-Environnement, 16 route de Gray, 25030 Besançon cedex, France
Related authors
Biagio Giaccio, Bernd Wagner, Giovanni Zanchetta, Adele Bertini, Gian Paolo Cavinato, Roberto de Franco, Fabio Florindo, David A. Hodell, Thomas A. Neubauer, Sebastien Nomade, Alison Pereira, Laura Sadori, Sara Satolli, Polychronis C. Tzedakis, Paul Albert, Paolo Boncio, Cindy De Jonge, Alexander Francke, Christine Heim, Alessia Masi, Marta Marchegiano, Helen M. Roberts, Anders Noren, and the MEME team
Sci. Dril., 33, 249–266,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
A total of 42 Earth scientists from 14 countries met in Gioia dei Marsi, central Italy, on 23 to 27 October 2023 to explore the potential for deep drilling of the thick lake sediment sequence of the Fucino Basin. The aim was to reconstruct the history of climate, ecosystem, and biodiversity changes and of the explosive volcanism and tectonics in central Italy over the last 3.5 million years, constrained by a detailed radiometric chronology.
Ferréol Salomon, Darío Bernal-Casasola, José J. Díaz, Macarena Lara, Salvador Domínguez-Bella, Damien Ertlen, Patrick Wassmer, Pierre Adam, Philippe Schaeffer, Laurent Hardion, Cécile Vittori, Stoil Chapkanski, Hugo Delile, Laurent Schmitt, Frank Preusser, Martine Trautmann, Alessia Masi, Cristiano Vignola, Laura Sadori, Jacob Morales, Paloma Vidal Matutano, Vincent Robin, Benjamin Keller, Ángel Sanchez Bellón, Javier Martínez López, and Gilles Rixhon
Sci. Dril., 27, 35–47,,, 2020
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PalaeoCADIX-Z is an interdisciplinary project that studied three cores drilled in a marine palaeochannel that ran through the ancient city of Cádiz (Spain). These cores reveal a ≥ 50 m thick Holocene sedimentary sequence. Importantly, most of the deposits date from the 1st millennium BCE to the 1st millennium CE. Geoarchaeologists, geomorphologists, archaeologists, sedimentologists, palaeoenvironmentalists, geochemists, and geochronologists collaborated within this project.
Monica Bini, Giovanni Zanchetta, Aurel Perşoiu, Rosine Cartier, Albert Català, Isabel Cacho, Jonathan R. Dean, Federico Di Rita, Russell N. Drysdale, Martin Finnè, Ilaria Isola, Bassem Jalali, Fabrizio Lirer, Donatella Magri, Alessia Masi, Leszek Marks, Anna Maria Mercuri, Odile Peyron, Laura Sadori, Marie-Alexandrine Sicre, Fabian Welc, Christoph Zielhofer, and Elodie Brisset
Clim. Past, 15, 555–577,,, 2019
Short summary
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The Mediterranean region has returned some of the clearest evidence of a climatically dry period occurring approximately 4200 years ago. We reviewed selected proxies to infer regional climate patterns between 4.3 and 3.8 ka. Temperature data suggest a cooling anomaly, even if this is not uniform, whereas winter was drier, along with dry summers. However, some exceptions to this prevail, where wetter condition seems to have persisted, suggesting regional heterogeneity.
Gaia Sinopoli, Odile Peyron, Alessia Masi, Jens Holtvoeth, Alexander Francke, Bernd Wagner, and Laura Sadori
Clim. Past, 15, 53–71,,, 2019
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Climate changes occur today as they occurred in the past. This study deals with climate changes reconstructed at Lake Ohrid (Albania and FYROM) between 160 000 and 70 000 years ago. Climate reconstruction, based on a high-resolution pollen study, provides quantitative estimates of past temperature and precipitation. Our data show an alternation of cold/dry and warm/wet periods. The last interglacial appears to be characterized by temperatures higher than nowadays.
Alessia Masi, Alexander Francke, Caterina Pepe, Matthias Thienemann, Bernd Wagner, and Laura Sadori
Clim. Past, 14, 351–367,,, 2018
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The first high-resolution Lake Dojran pollen record for the last 12 500 years is presented. The ecological succession shows Late Glacial steppe vegetation gradually replaced, since 11 500 yr BP, by Holocene mesophilous forests. The first human traces are recorded around 5000 yr BP and increased considerably since the Bronze Age. Pollen data and sedimentological, biomarker and diatom data available from the same core contribute to an understanding of the environmental history of the Balkans.
Bernd Wagner, Thomas Wilke, Alexander Francke, Christian Albrecht, Henrike Baumgarten, Adele Bertini, Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout, Aleksandra Cvetkoska, Michele D'Addabbo, Timme H. Donders, Kirstin Föller, Biagio Giaccio, Andon Grazhdani, Torsten Hauffe, Jens Holtvoeth, Sebastien Joannin, Elena Jovanovska, Janna Just, Katerina Kouli, Andreas Koutsodendris, Sebastian Krastel, Jack H. Lacey, Niklas Leicher, Melanie J. Leng, Zlatko Levkov, Katja Lindhorst, Alessia Masi, Anna M. Mercuri, Sebastien Nomade, Norbert Nowaczyk, Konstantinos Panagiotopoulos, Odile Peyron, Jane M. Reed, Eleonora Regattieri, Laura Sadori, Leonardo Sagnotti, Björn Stelbrink, Roberto Sulpizio, Slavica Tofilovska, Paola Torri, Hendrik Vogel, Thomas Wagner, Friederike Wagner-Cremer, George A. Wolff, Thomas Wonik, Giovanni Zanchetta, and Xiaosen S. Zhang
Biogeosciences, 14, 2033–2054,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
Lake Ohrid is considered to be the oldest existing lake in Europe. Moreover, it has a very high degree of endemic biodiversity. During a drilling campaign at Lake Ohrid in 2013, a 569 m long sediment sequence was recovered from Lake Ohrid. The ongoing studies of this record provide first important information on the environmental and evolutionary history of the lake and the reasons for its high endimic biodiversity.
Odile Peyron, Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout, David Brayshaw, Simon Goring, Valérie Andrieu-Ponel, Stéphanie Desprat, Will Fletcher, Belinda Gambin, Chryssanthi Ioakim, Sébastien Joannin, Ulrich Kotthoff, Katerina Kouli, Vincent Montade, Jörg Pross, Laura Sadori, and Michel Magny
Clim. Past, 13, 249–265,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
This study aims to reconstruct the climate evolution of the Mediterranean region during the Holocene from pollen data and model outputs. The model- and pollen-inferred precipitation estimates show overall agreement: the eastern Medit. experienced wetter-than-present summer conditions during the early–late Holocene. This regional climate model highlights how the patchy nature of climate signals and data in the Medit. may lead to stronger local signals than the large-scale pattern suggests.
Giovanni Zanchetta, Eleonora Regattieri, Biagio Giaccio, Bernd Wagner, Roberto Sulpizio, Alex Francke, Hendrik Vogel, Laura Sadori, Alessia Masi, Gaia Sinopoli, Jack H. Lacey, Melanie J. Leng, and Niklas Leicher
Biogeosciences, 13, 2757–2768,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
Chronology is fundamental in paleoclimatology for understanding timing of events and their origin. In this paper we try to obtain a more detailed chronology for the interval comprised between ca. 140 and 70 ka for the DEEP core in Lake Ohrid using regional independently-dated archives (i.e. speleothems and/or lacustrine succession with well-dated volcanic layers). This allows to insert the DEEP chronology within a common chronological frame between different continental and marine proxy records.
Laura Sadori, Andreas Koutsodendris, Konstantinos Panagiotopoulos, Alessia Masi, Adele Bertini, Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout, Alexander Francke, Katerina Kouli, Sébastien Joannin, Anna Maria Mercuri, Odile Peyron, Paola Torri, Bernd Wagner, Giovanni Zanchetta, Gaia Sinopoli, and Timme H. Donders
Biogeosciences, 13, 1423–1437,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
Lake Ohrid (FYROM/Albania) is the deepest, largest and oldest lake in Europe. To understand the climatic and environmental evolution of its area, a palynological study was undertaken for the last 500 ka. We found a correspondence between forested/non-forested periods and glacial-interglacial cycles of marine isotope stratigraphy. Our record shows a progressive change from cooler and wetter to warmer and dryer interglacial conditions. This shift is also visible in glacial vegetation.
Alexander Francke, Bernd Wagner, Janna Just, Niklas Leicher, Raphael Gromig, Henrike Baumgarten, Hendrik Vogel, Jack H. Lacey, Laura Sadori, Thomas Wonik, Melanie J. Leng, Giovanni Zanchetta, Roberto Sulpizio, and Biagio Giaccio
Biogeosciences, 13, 1179–1196,,, 2016
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Lake Ohrid (Macedonia, Albania) is thought to be more than 1.2 million years old. To recover a long paleoclimate record for the Mediterranean region, a deep drilling was carried out in 2013 within the scope of the Scientific Collaboration on Past Speciation Conditions in Lake Ohrid (SCOPSCO) project. Here, we present lithological, sedimentological, and (bio-)geochemical data from the upper 247.8 m composite depth of the overall 569 m long DEEP site record.
B. A. A. Hoogakker, R. S. Smith, J. S. Singarayer, R. Marchant, I. C. Prentice, J. R. M. Allen, R. S. Anderson, S. A. Bhagwat, H. Behling, O. Borisova, M. Bush, A. Correa-Metrio, A. de Vernal, J. M. Finch, B. Fréchette, S. Lozano-Garcia, W. D. Gosling, W. Granoszewski, E. C. Grimm, E. Grüger, J. Hanselman, S. P. Harrison, T. R. Hill, B. Huntley, G. Jiménez-Moreno, P. Kershaw, M.-P. Ledru, D. Magri, M. McKenzie, U. Müller, T. Nakagawa, E. Novenko, D. Penny, L. Sadori, L. Scott, J. Stevenson, P. J. Valdes, M. Vandergoes, A. Velichko, C. Whitlock, and C. Tzedakis
Clim. Past, 12, 51–73,,, 2016
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In this paper we use two climate models to test how Earth’s vegetation responded to changes in climate over the last 120 000 years, looking at warm interglacial climates like today, cold ice-age glacial climates, and intermediate climates. The models agree well with observations from pollen, showing smaller forested areas and larger desert areas during cold periods. Forests store most terrestrial carbon; the terrestrial carbon lost during cold climates was most likely relocated to the oceans.
B. Giaccio, E. Regattieri, G. Zanchetta, B. Wagner, P. Galli, G. Mannella, E. Niespolo, E. Peronace, P. R. Renne, S. Nomade, G. P. Cavinato, P. Messina, A. Sposato, C. Boschi, F. Florindo, F. Marra, and L. Sadori
Sci. Dril., 20, 13–19,,, 2015
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As a pilot study for a possible depth-drilling project, an 82m long sedimentary succession was retrieved from the Fucino Basin, central Apennines, which hosts ca. 900m of lacustrine sediments. The acquired paleoclimatic record, from the retrieved core, spans the last 180ka and reveals noticeable variations related to the last two glacial-interglacial cycles. In light of these results, the Fucino sediments are likely to provide one of the longest continuous record for the last 2Ma.
M. Magny, N. Combourieu-Nebout, J. L. de Beaulieu, V. Bout-Roumazeilles, D. Colombaroli, S. Desprat, A. Francke, S. Joannin, E. Ortu, O. Peyron, M. Revel, L. Sadori, G. Siani, M. A. Sicre, S. Samartin, A. Simonneau, W. Tinner, B. Vannière, B. Wagner, G. Zanchetta, F. Anselmetti, E. Brugiapaglia, E. Chapron, M. Debret, M. Desmet, J. Didier, L. Essallami, D. Galop, A. Gilli, J. N. Haas, N. Kallel, L. Millet, A. Stock, J. L. Turon, and S. Wirth
Clim. Past, 9, 2043–2071,,, 2013
N. Combourieu-Nebout, O. Peyron, V. Bout-Roumazeilles, S. Goring, I. Dormoy, S. Joannin, L. Sadori, G. Siani, and M. Magny
Clim. Past, 9, 2023–2042,,, 2013
O. Peyron, M. Magny, S. Goring, S. Joannin, J.-L. de Beaulieu, E. Brugiapaglia, L. Sadori, G. Garfi, K. Kouli, C. Ioakim, and N. Combourieu-Nebout
Clim. Past, 9, 1233–1252,,, 2013
Biagio Giaccio, Bernd Wagner, Giovanni Zanchetta, Adele Bertini, Gian Paolo Cavinato, Roberto de Franco, Fabio Florindo, David A. Hodell, Thomas A. Neubauer, Sebastien Nomade, Alison Pereira, Laura Sadori, Sara Satolli, Polychronis C. Tzedakis, Paul Albert, Paolo Boncio, Cindy De Jonge, Alexander Francke, Christine Heim, Alessia Masi, Marta Marchegiano, Helen M. Roberts, Anders Noren, and the MEME team
Sci. Dril., 33, 249–266,,, 2024
Short summary
Short summary
A total of 42 Earth scientists from 14 countries met in Gioia dei Marsi, central Italy, on 23 to 27 October 2023 to explore the potential for deep drilling of the thick lake sediment sequence of the Fucino Basin. The aim was to reconstruct the history of climate, ecosystem, and biodiversity changes and of the explosive volcanism and tectonics in central Italy over the last 3.5 million years, constrained by a detailed radiometric chronology.
Timothy J. Pollard, Jon D. Woodhead, Russell N. Drysdale, R. Lawrence Edwards, Xianglei Li, Ashlea N. Wainwright, Mathieu Pythoud, Hai Cheng, John C. Hellstrom, Ilaria Isola, Eleonora Regattieri, Giovanni Zanchetta, and Dylan S. Parmenter
EGUsphere,,, 2024
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The uranium-thorium and uranium-lead radiometric dating methods are both capable of dating carbonate samples ranging in age from about 400,000 to 650,000 years. Here we test agreement between the two methods by 'double dating' speleothems (i.e. secondary cave mineral deposits) that grew within this age range. We demonstrate excellent agreement between the two dating methods and discuss their relative strengths and weaknesses.
Mauro Antonio Di Vito, Ilaria Rucco, Sandro de Vita, Domenico Maria Doronzo, Marina Bisson, Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi, Mauro Rosi, Laura Sandri, Giovanni Zanchetta, Elena Zanella, and Antonio Costa
Solid Earth, 15, 405–436,,, 2024
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We study the distribution of two historical pyroclastic fall–flow and lahar deposits from the sub-Plinian Vesuvius eruptions of 472 CE Pollena and 1631. The motivation comes directly from the widely distributed impact that both the eruptions and lahar phenomena had on the Campanian territory, not only around the volcano but also down the nearby Apennine valleys. Data on about 500 stratigraphic sections and modeling allowed us to evaluate the physical and dynamical impact of these phenomena.
Mary Robles, Odile Peyron, Guillemette Ménot, Elisabetta Brugiapaglia, Sabine Wulf, Oona Appelt, Marion Blache, Boris Vannière, Lucas Dugerdil, Bruno Paura, Salomé Ansanay-Alex, Amy Cromartie, Laurent Charlet, Stephane Guédron, Jacques-Louis de Beaulieu, and Sébastien Joannin
Clim. Past, 19, 493–515,,, 2023
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Quantitative climate reconstructions based on pollen and brGDGTs reveal, for the Late Glacial, a warm Bølling–Allerød and a marked cold Younger Dryas in Italy, showing no latitudinal differences in terms of temperatures across Italy. In terms of precipitation, no latitudinal differences are recorded during the Bølling–Allerød, whereas 40–42° N appears as a key junction point between wetter conditions in southern Italy and drier conditions in northern Italy during the Younger Dryas.
Lucas Dugerdil, Sébastien Joannin, Odile Peyron, Isabelle Jouffroy-Bapicot, Boris Vannière, Bazartseren Boldgiv, Julia Unkelbach, Hermann Behling, and Guillemette Ménot
Clim. Past, 17, 1199–1226,,, 2021
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Since the understanding of Holocene climate change appears to be a relevant issue for future climate change, the paleoclimate calibrations have to be improved. Here, surface samples from Mongolia and Siberia were analyzed to provide new calibrations for pollen and biomarker climate models. These calibrations appear to be more powerful than global calibrations, especially in an arid central Asian context. These calibrations will improve the understanding of monsoon Holocene oscillations.
Ferréol Salomon, Darío Bernal-Casasola, José J. Díaz, Macarena Lara, Salvador Domínguez-Bella, Damien Ertlen, Patrick Wassmer, Pierre Adam, Philippe Schaeffer, Laurent Hardion, Cécile Vittori, Stoil Chapkanski, Hugo Delile, Laurent Schmitt, Frank Preusser, Martine Trautmann, Alessia Masi, Cristiano Vignola, Laura Sadori, Jacob Morales, Paloma Vidal Matutano, Vincent Robin, Benjamin Keller, Ángel Sanchez Bellón, Javier Martínez López, and Gilles Rixhon
Sci. Dril., 27, 35–47,,, 2020
Short summary
Short summary
PalaeoCADIX-Z is an interdisciplinary project that studied three cores drilled in a marine palaeochannel that ran through the ancient city of Cádiz (Spain). These cores reveal a ≥ 50 m thick Holocene sedimentary sequence. Importantly, most of the deposits date from the 1st millennium BCE to the 1st millennium CE. Geoarchaeologists, geomorphologists, archaeologists, sedimentologists, palaeoenvironmentalists, geochemists, and geochronologists collaborated within this project.
Angelica Feurdean, Boris Vannière, Walter Finsinger, Dan Warren, Simon C. Connor, Matthew Forrest, Johan Liakka, Andrei Panait, Christian Werner, Maja Andrič, Premysl Bobek, Vachel A. Carter, Basil Davis, Andrei-Cosmin Diaconu, Elisabeth Dietze, Ingo Feeser, Gabriela Florescu, Mariusz Gałka, Thomas Giesecke, Susanne Jahns, Eva Jamrichová, Katarzyna Kajukało, Jed Kaplan, Monika Karpińska-Kołaczek, Piotr Kołaczek, Petr Kuneš, Dimitry Kupriyanov, Mariusz Lamentowicz, Carsten Lemmen, Enikö K. Magyari, Katarzyna Marcisz, Elena Marinova, Aidin Niamir, Elena Novenko, Milena Obremska, Anna Pędziszewska, Mirjam Pfeiffer, Anneli Poska, Manfred Rösch, Michal Słowiński, Miglė Stančikaitė, Marta Szal, Joanna Święta-Musznicka, Ioan Tanţău, Martin Theuerkauf, Spassimir Tonkov, Orsolya Valkó, Jüri Vassiljev, Siim Veski, Ildiko Vincze, Agnieszka Wacnik, Julian Wiethold, and Thomas Hickler
Biogeosciences, 17, 1213–1230,,, 2020
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Our study covers the full Holocene (the past 11 500 years) climate variability and vegetation composition and provides a test on how vegetation and climate interact to determine fire hazard. An important implication of this test is that percentage of tree cover can be used as a predictor of the probability of fire occurrence. Biomass burned is highest at ~ 45 % tree cover in temperate forests and at ~ 60–65 % tree cover in needleleaf-dominated forests.
Pierre Sabatier, Marie Nicolle, Christine Piot, Christophe Colin, Maxime Debret, Didier Swingedouw, Yves Perrette, Marie-Charlotte Bellingery, Benjamin Chazeau, Anne-Lise Develle, Maxime Leblanc, Charlotte Skonieczny, Yoann Copard, Jean-Louis Reyss, Emmanuel Malet, Isabelle Jouffroy-Bapicot, Maëlle Kelner, Jérôme Poulenard, Julien Didier, Fabien Arnaud, and Boris Vannière
Clim. Past, 16, 283–298,,, 2020
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High-resolution multiproxy analysis of sediment core from a high-elevation lake on Corsica allows us to reconstruct past African dust inputs to the western Mediterranean area over the last 3 millennia. Millennial variations of Saharan dust input have been correlated with the long-term southward migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, while short-term variations were associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation and total solar irradiance after and before 1070 cal BP, respectively.
Lucas Dugerdil, Sébastien Joannin, Odile Peyron, Isabelle Jouffroy-Bapicot, Boris Vannière, Bazartseren Boldgiv, and Guillemette Ménot
Biogeosciences Discuss.,,, 2020
Preprint withdrawn
Monica Bini, Giovanni Zanchetta, Aurel Perşoiu, Rosine Cartier, Albert Català, Isabel Cacho, Jonathan R. Dean, Federico Di Rita, Russell N. Drysdale, Martin Finnè, Ilaria Isola, Bassem Jalali, Fabrizio Lirer, Donatella Magri, Alessia Masi, Leszek Marks, Anna Maria Mercuri, Odile Peyron, Laura Sadori, Marie-Alexandrine Sicre, Fabian Welc, Christoph Zielhofer, and Elodie Brisset
Clim. Past, 15, 555–577,,, 2019
Short summary
Short summary
The Mediterranean region has returned some of the clearest evidence of a climatically dry period occurring approximately 4200 years ago. We reviewed selected proxies to infer regional climate patterns between 4.3 and 3.8 ka. Temperature data suggest a cooling anomaly, even if this is not uniform, whereas winter was drier, along with dry summers. However, some exceptions to this prevail, where wetter condition seems to have persisted, suggesting regional heterogeneity.
Ilaria Isola, Giovanni Zanchetta, Russell N. Drysdale, Eleonora Regattieri, Monica Bini, Petra Bajo, John C. Hellstrom, Ilaria Baneschi, Piero Lionello, Jon Woodhead, and Alan Greig
Clim. Past, 15, 135–151,,, 2019
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To understand the natural variability in the climate system, the hydrological aspect (dry and wet conditions) is particularly important for its impact on our societies. The reconstruction of past precipitation regimes can provide a useful tool for forecasting future climate changes. We use multi-proxy time series (oxygen and carbon isotopes, trace elements) from a speleothem to investigate circulation pattern variations and seasonality effects during the dry 4.2 ka event in central Italy.
Gaia Sinopoli, Odile Peyron, Alessia Masi, Jens Holtvoeth, Alexander Francke, Bernd Wagner, and Laura Sadori
Clim. Past, 15, 53–71,,, 2019
Short summary
Short summary
Climate changes occur today as they occurred in the past. This study deals with climate changes reconstructed at Lake Ohrid (Albania and FYROM) between 160 000 and 70 000 years ago. Climate reconstruction, based on a high-resolution pollen study, provides quantitative estimates of past temperature and precipitation. Our data show an alternation of cold/dry and warm/wet periods. The last interglacial appears to be characterized by temperatures higher than nowadays.
Alessia Masi, Alexander Francke, Caterina Pepe, Matthias Thienemann, Bernd Wagner, and Laura Sadori
Clim. Past, 14, 351–367,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
The first high-resolution Lake Dojran pollen record for the last 12 500 years is presented. The ecological succession shows Late Glacial steppe vegetation gradually replaced, since 11 500 yr BP, by Holocene mesophilous forests. The first human traces are recorded around 5000 yr BP and increased considerably since the Bronze Age. Pollen data and sedimentological, biomarker and diatom data available from the same core contribute to an understanding of the environmental history of the Balkans.
Bernd Wagner, Thomas Wilke, Alexander Francke, Christian Albrecht, Henrike Baumgarten, Adele Bertini, Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout, Aleksandra Cvetkoska, Michele D'Addabbo, Timme H. Donders, Kirstin Föller, Biagio Giaccio, Andon Grazhdani, Torsten Hauffe, Jens Holtvoeth, Sebastien Joannin, Elena Jovanovska, Janna Just, Katerina Kouli, Andreas Koutsodendris, Sebastian Krastel, Jack H. Lacey, Niklas Leicher, Melanie J. Leng, Zlatko Levkov, Katja Lindhorst, Alessia Masi, Anna M. Mercuri, Sebastien Nomade, Norbert Nowaczyk, Konstantinos Panagiotopoulos, Odile Peyron, Jane M. Reed, Eleonora Regattieri, Laura Sadori, Leonardo Sagnotti, Björn Stelbrink, Roberto Sulpizio, Slavica Tofilovska, Paola Torri, Hendrik Vogel, Thomas Wagner, Friederike Wagner-Cremer, George A. Wolff, Thomas Wonik, Giovanni Zanchetta, and Xiaosen S. Zhang
Biogeosciences, 14, 2033–2054,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
Lake Ohrid is considered to be the oldest existing lake in Europe. Moreover, it has a very high degree of endemic biodiversity. During a drilling campaign at Lake Ohrid in 2013, a 569 m long sediment sequence was recovered from Lake Ohrid. The ongoing studies of this record provide first important information on the environmental and evolutionary history of the lake and the reasons for its high endimic biodiversity.
Odile Peyron, Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout, David Brayshaw, Simon Goring, Valérie Andrieu-Ponel, Stéphanie Desprat, Will Fletcher, Belinda Gambin, Chryssanthi Ioakim, Sébastien Joannin, Ulrich Kotthoff, Katerina Kouli, Vincent Montade, Jörg Pross, Laura Sadori, and Michel Magny
Clim. Past, 13, 249–265,,, 2017
Short summary
Short summary
This study aims to reconstruct the climate evolution of the Mediterranean region during the Holocene from pollen data and model outputs. The model- and pollen-inferred precipitation estimates show overall agreement: the eastern Medit. experienced wetter-than-present summer conditions during the early–late Holocene. This regional climate model highlights how the patchy nature of climate signals and data in the Medit. may lead to stronger local signals than the large-scale pattern suggests.
Jennifer R. Marlon, Ryan Kelly, Anne-Laure Daniau, Boris Vannière, Mitchell J. Power, Patrick Bartlein, Philip Higuera, Olivier Blarquez, Simon Brewer, Tim Brücher, Angelica Feurdean, Graciela Gil Romera, Virginia Iglesias, S. Yoshi Maezumi, Brian Magi, Colin J. Courtney Mustaphi, and Tonishtan Zhihai
Biogeosciences, 13, 3225–3244,,, 2016
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We reconstruct spatiotemporal variations in biomass burning since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) using the Global Charcoal Database version 3 (including 736 records) and a method to grid the data. LGM to late Holocene burning broadly tracks global and regional climate changes over that interval. Human activities increase fire in the 1800s and then reduce it for most of the 20th century. Burning is now rapidly increasing, particularly in western North America and southeastern Australia.
Giovanni Zanchetta, Eleonora Regattieri, Biagio Giaccio, Bernd Wagner, Roberto Sulpizio, Alex Francke, Hendrik Vogel, Laura Sadori, Alessia Masi, Gaia Sinopoli, Jack H. Lacey, Melanie J. Leng, and Niklas Leicher
Biogeosciences, 13, 2757–2768,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
Chronology is fundamental in paleoclimatology for understanding timing of events and their origin. In this paper we try to obtain a more detailed chronology for the interval comprised between ca. 140 and 70 ka for the DEEP core in Lake Ohrid using regional independently-dated archives (i.e. speleothems and/or lacustrine succession with well-dated volcanic layers). This allows to insert the DEEP chronology within a common chronological frame between different continental and marine proxy records.
Niklas Leicher, Giovanni Zanchetta, Roberto Sulpizio, Biagio Giaccio, Bernd Wagner, Sebastien Nomade, Alexander Francke, and Paola Del Carlo
Biogeosciences, 13, 2151–2178,,, 2016
Jack H. Lacey, Melanie J. Leng, Alexander Francke, Hilary J. Sloane, Antoni Milodowski, Hendrik Vogel, Henrike Baumgarten, Giovanni Zanchetta, and Bernd Wagner
Biogeosciences, 13, 1801–1820,,, 2016
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We use stable isotope data from carbonates to provide a palaeoenvironmental reconstruction covering the last 637 kyr at Lake Ohrid (FYROM/Albania). Our results indicate a relatively stable climate until 450 ka, wetter climate conditions at 400–250 ka, and a transition to a drier climate after 250 ka. This work emphasises the importance of Lake Ohrid as a valuable archive of climate change in the northern Mediterranean region.
Laura Sadori, Andreas Koutsodendris, Konstantinos Panagiotopoulos, Alessia Masi, Adele Bertini, Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout, Alexander Francke, Katerina Kouli, Sébastien Joannin, Anna Maria Mercuri, Odile Peyron, Paola Torri, Bernd Wagner, Giovanni Zanchetta, Gaia Sinopoli, and Timme H. Donders
Biogeosciences, 13, 1423–1437,,, 2016
Short summary
Short summary
Lake Ohrid (FYROM/Albania) is the deepest, largest and oldest lake in Europe. To understand the climatic and environmental evolution of its area, a palynological study was undertaken for the last 500 ka. We found a correspondence between forested/non-forested periods and glacial-interglacial cycles of marine isotope stratigraphy. Our record shows a progressive change from cooler and wetter to warmer and dryer interglacial conditions. This shift is also visible in glacial vegetation.
Alexander Francke, Bernd Wagner, Janna Just, Niklas Leicher, Raphael Gromig, Henrike Baumgarten, Hendrik Vogel, Jack H. Lacey, Laura Sadori, Thomas Wonik, Melanie J. Leng, Giovanni Zanchetta, Roberto Sulpizio, and Biagio Giaccio
Biogeosciences, 13, 1179–1196,,, 2016
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Lake Ohrid (Macedonia, Albania) is thought to be more than 1.2 million years old. To recover a long paleoclimate record for the Mediterranean region, a deep drilling was carried out in 2013 within the scope of the Scientific Collaboration on Past Speciation Conditions in Lake Ohrid (SCOPSCO) project. Here, we present lithological, sedimentological, and (bio-)geochemical data from the upper 247.8 m composite depth of the overall 569 m long DEEP site record.
B. A. A. Hoogakker, R. S. Smith, J. S. Singarayer, R. Marchant, I. C. Prentice, J. R. M. Allen, R. S. Anderson, S. A. Bhagwat, H. Behling, O. Borisova, M. Bush, A. Correa-Metrio, A. de Vernal, J. M. Finch, B. Fréchette, S. Lozano-Garcia, W. D. Gosling, W. Granoszewski, E. C. Grimm, E. Grüger, J. Hanselman, S. P. Harrison, T. R. Hill, B. Huntley, G. Jiménez-Moreno, P. Kershaw, M.-P. Ledru, D. Magri, M. McKenzie, U. Müller, T. Nakagawa, E. Novenko, D. Penny, L. Sadori, L. Scott, J. Stevenson, P. J. Valdes, M. Vandergoes, A. Velichko, C. Whitlock, and C. Tzedakis
Clim. Past, 12, 51–73,,, 2016
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In this paper we use two climate models to test how Earth’s vegetation responded to changes in climate over the last 120 000 years, looking at warm interglacial climates like today, cold ice-age glacial climates, and intermediate climates. The models agree well with observations from pollen, showing smaller forested areas and larger desert areas during cold periods. Forests store most terrestrial carbon; the terrestrial carbon lost during cold climates was most likely relocated to the oceans.
H. Baumgarten, T. Wonik, D. C. Tanner, A. Francke, B. Wagner, G. Zanchetta, R. Sulpizio, B. Giaccio, and S. Nomade
Biogeosciences, 12, 7453–7465,,, 2015
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Gamma ray (GR) fluctuations and K values from downhole logging data obtained in the sediments of Lake Ohrid correlate with the global climate reference record (LR04 stack from δ18O) (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005). GR and K values are considered a reliable proxy to depict glacial-interglacial cycles and document warm, humid and cold, drier periods. A robust age model for the downhole logging data over the past 630kyr was established and will play a crucial role for other working groups.
B. Giaccio, E. Regattieri, G. Zanchetta, B. Wagner, P. Galli, G. Mannella, E. Niespolo, E. Peronace, P. R. Renne, S. Nomade, G. P. Cavinato, P. Messina, A. Sposato, C. Boschi, F. Florindo, F. Marra, and L. Sadori
Sci. Dril., 20, 13–19,,, 2015
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As a pilot study for a possible depth-drilling project, an 82m long sedimentary succession was retrieved from the Fucino Basin, central Apennines, which hosts ca. 900m of lacustrine sediments. The acquired paleoclimatic record, from the retrieved core, spans the last 180ka and reveals noticeable variations related to the last two glacial-interglacial cycles. In light of these results, the Fucino sediments are likely to provide one of the longest continuous record for the last 2Ma.
M. D'Addabbo, R. Sulpizio, M. Guidi, G. Capitani, P. Mantecca, and G. Zanchetta
Biogeosciences, 12, 7087–7106,,, 2015
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Short summary
Leaching experiments were carried out on fresh ash samples from the 2012 Popocatépetl, and 2011/12 Etna eruptions, in order to investigate the release of compounds in water. Results were discussed in the light of changing pH and release of compounds for the different leachates. They were used for toxicity experiments on living biota (Xenopus laevis). They are mildly toxic, and no significant differences exist between the toxic profiles of the two leachates.
B. Wagner, T. Wilke, S. Krastel, G. Zanchetta, R. Sulpizio, K. Reicherter, M. J. Leng, A. Grazhdani, S. Trajanovski, A. Francke, K. Lindhorst, Z. Levkov, A. Cvetkoska, J. M. Reed, X. Zhang, J. H. Lacey, T. Wonik, H. Baumgarten, and H. Vogel
Sci. Dril., 17, 19–29,,, 2014
B. Wagner, M. J. Leng, T. Wilke, A. Böhm, K. Panagiotopoulos, H. Vogel, J. H. Lacey, G. Zanchetta, and R. Sulpizio
Clim. Past, 10, 261–267,,, 2014
M. Magny, N. Combourieu-Nebout, J. L. de Beaulieu, V. Bout-Roumazeilles, D. Colombaroli, S. Desprat, A. Francke, S. Joannin, E. Ortu, O. Peyron, M. Revel, L. Sadori, G. Siani, M. A. Sicre, S. Samartin, A. Simonneau, W. Tinner, B. Vannière, B. Wagner, G. Zanchetta, F. Anselmetti, E. Brugiapaglia, E. Chapron, M. Debret, M. Desmet, J. Didier, L. Essallami, D. Galop, A. Gilli, J. N. Haas, N. Kallel, L. Millet, A. Stock, J. L. Turon, and S. Wirth
Clim. Past, 9, 2043–2071,,, 2013
N. Combourieu-Nebout, O. Peyron, V. Bout-Roumazeilles, S. Goring, I. Dormoy, S. Joannin, L. Sadori, G. Siani, and M. Magny
Clim. Past, 9, 2023–2042,,, 2013
O. Peyron, M. Magny, S. Goring, S. Joannin, J.-L. de Beaulieu, E. Brugiapaglia, L. Sadori, G. Garfi, K. Kouli, C. Ioakim, and N. Combourieu-Nebout
Clim. Past, 9, 1233–1252,,, 2013
B. Vannière, M. Magny, S. Joannin, A. Simonneau, S. B. Wirth, Y. Hamann, E. Chapron, A. Gilli, M. Desmet, and F. S. Anselmetti
Clim. Past, 9, 1193–1209,,, 2013
S. Joannin, B. Vannière, D. Galop, O. Peyron, J. N. Haas, A. Gilli, E. Chapron, S. B. Wirth, F. Anselmetti, M. Desmet, and M. Magny
Clim. Past, 9, 913–933,,, 2013
A. Simonneau, E. Chapron, B. Vannière, S. B. Wirth, A. Gilli, C. Di Giovanni, F. S. Anselmetti, M. Desmet, and M. Magny
Clim. Past, 9, 825–840,,, 2013
S. Desprat, N. Combourieu-Nebout, L. Essallami, M. A. Sicre, I. Dormoy, O. Peyron, G. Siani, V. Bout Roumazeilles, and J. L. Turon
Clim. Past, 9, 767–787,,, 2013
G. Siani, M. Magny, M. Paterne, M. Debret, and M. Fontugne
Clim. Past, 9, 499–515,,, 2013
M. Damaschke, R. Sulpizio, G. Zanchetta, B. Wagner, A. Böhm, N. Nowaczyk, J. Rethemeyer, and A. Hilgers
Clim. Past, 9, 267–287,,, 2013
B. Wagner, A. Francke, R. Sulpizio, G. Zanchetta, K. Lindhorst, S. Krastel, H. Vogel, J. Rethemeyer, G. Daut, A. Grazhdani, B. Lushaj, and S. Trajanovski
Clim. Past, 8, 2069–2078,,, 2012
S. Joannin, E. Brugiapaglia, J.-L. de Beaulieu, L. Bernardo, M. Magny, O. Peyron, S. Goring, and B. Vannière
Clim. Past, 8, 1973–1996,,, 2012
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Clim. Past Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for CP
Short summary
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Holocene vegetation-atmosphere interactions provide insight into intensifying land use impacts and the Holocene Conundrum- a mismatch between data- and model- inferred temperature. Using pollen records and statistical modeling, we reconstruct Holocene land cover for North America. We determine patterns and magnitudes of land cover changes across scales. We attribute land cover changes to ecological, climatic, and human drivers. These reconstructions provide benchmarks for Earth System Models.
Manuel Chevalier, Anne Dallmeyer, Nils Weitzel, Chenzhi Li, Jean-Philippe Baudouin, Ulrike Herzschuh, Xianyong Cao, and Andreas Hense
Clim. Past, 19, 1043–1060,,, 2023
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Data–data and data–model vegetation comparisons are commonly based on comparing single vegetation estimates. While this approach generates good results on average, reducing pollen assemblages to single single plant functional type (PFT) or biome estimates can oversimplify the vegetation signal. We propose using a multivariate metric, the Earth mover's distance (EMD), to include more details about the vegetation structure when performing such comparisons.
Nannan Wang, Lina Liu, Xiaohuan Hou, Yanrong Zhang, Haicheng Wei, and Xianyong Cao
Clim. Past, 18, 2381–2399,,, 2022
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We reconstructed the vegetation and climate change since the last 14.2 ka BP from a fossil pollen record together with multiple proxies (grain size, contents of total organic carbon and total nitrogen) on the northeast Tibetan Plateau. The results reveal that an arid climate occurs in the early Holocene and the vegetation could be disturbed by human activities to some extent after ca. 0.24 ka BP (1710 CE).
Angelica Feurdean, Andrei-Cosmin Diaconu, Mirjam Pfeiffer, Mariusz Gałka, Simon M. Hutchinson, Geanina Butiseaca, Natalia Gorina, Spassimir Tonkov, Aidin Niamir, Ioan Tantau, Hui Zhang, and Sergey Kirpotin
Clim. Past, 18, 1255–1274,,, 2022
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We used palaeoecological records from peatlands in southern Siberia. We showed that warmer climate conditions have lowered the water level and increased the fuel amount and flammability, consequently also increasing the frequency and severity of fires as well as the composition of tree types.
Fabian Welc, Jerzy Nitychoruk, Leszek Marks, Krzysztof Bińka, Anna Rogóż-Matyszczak, Milena Obremska, and Abdelfattah Zalat
Clim. Past, 17, 1181–1198,,, 2021
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Młynek Lake, located near the village of Janiki Wielkie (in the Warmia and Masuria region of north-east Poland) has been selected for multi-faceted palaeoenvironmental research based on a precise radiocarbon scale. Bottom sediments of this reservoir also contain unique information about anthropogenic activity and climate changes during last 2400 years.
Fabian Rey, Erika Gobet, Christoph Schwörer, Albert Hafner, Sönke Szidat, and Willy Tinner
Clim. Past, 16, 1347–1367,,, 2020
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We present a novel post Last Glacial Maximum sediment record from Moossee (Swiss Plateau, southern central Europe). For the first time, five major reorganizations of vegetation could be definitely linked to paramount postglacial temperature and/or moisture changes. Present-day beech-dominated forests have been resilient to long-term climate change and human land use. They may prevail in future if climate warming does not exceed the amplitude of Mid Holocene temperature and moisture variability.
Federico Di Rita and Donatella Magri
Clim. Past, 15, 237–251,,, 2019
Jose M. Mesa-Fernández, Gonzalo Jiménez-Moreno, Marta Rodrigo-Gámiz, Antonio García-Alix, Francisco J. Jiménez-Espejo, Francisca Martínez-Ruiz, R. Scott Anderson, Jon Camuera, and María J. Ramos-Román
Clim. Past, 14, 1687–1706,,, 2018
Liangjun Zhu, Qichao Yao, David J. Cooper, Shijie Han, and Xiaochun Wang
Clim. Past, 14, 1213–1228,,, 2018
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This paper presents a 260-year tree-ring-based PDSI reconstruction for the central Daxing'an Mountains, northeast China. A warm–wet pattern was identified for the Daxing'an Mountains in recent decades, while a warm–dry pattern was found for the Mongolian Plateau. Overall, the dry/wet variability of the Daxing'an Mountains and its relationship with the surrounding areas might be driven by Pacific and Atlantic Ocean oscillations.
Alessia Masi, Alexander Francke, Caterina Pepe, Matthias Thienemann, Bernd Wagner, and Laura Sadori
Clim. Past, 14, 351–367,,, 2018
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The first high-resolution Lake Dojran pollen record for the last 12 500 years is presented. The ecological succession shows Late Glacial steppe vegetation gradually replaced, since 11 500 yr BP, by Holocene mesophilous forests. The first human traces are recorded around 5000 yr BP and increased considerably since the Bronze Age. Pollen data and sedimentological, biomarker and diatom data available from the same core contribute to an understanding of the environmental history of the Balkans.
María J. Ramos-Román, Gonzalo Jiménez-Moreno, Jon Camuera, Antonio García-Alix, R. Scott Anderson, Francisco J. Jiménez-Espejo, and José S. Carrión
Clim. Past, 14, 117–137,,, 2018
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In this study we carried out a multiproxy high-resolution analysis on a sediment record from the Padul Basin in the Sierra Nevada (southern Iberian Peninsula). Padul is a classical and very unique site from the Mediterranean area as it contains a very long and continuous Quaternary sedimentary record. However, the uppermost part of the record was never recovered. In this study we focus on the last 4700 cal yr BP of Holocene climate variability and human activity in the Mediterranean area.
Inke Elisabeth Maike Achterberg, Jan Eckstein, Bernhard Birkholz, Andreas Bauerochse, and Hanns Hubert Leuschner
Clim. Past, 14, 85–100,,, 2018
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Short summary
At a bog site at Totes Moor in northwest Germany a layer of pine tree stumps at the fen–bog transition was exposed by peat mining. The lateral expansion of ombrotrophic bog between 6703 BC and 3403 BC was reconstructed using the locations and dendrochronological dates of the tree stumps. The spatial pattern relates to the elevation a.s.l. of the mineral base beneath the peat. The temporal distribution of bog expansion pulses relates to climatic variation.
Olga N. Ukhvatkina, Alexander M. Omelko, Alexander A. Zhmerenetsky, and Tatyana Y. Petrenko
Clim. Past, 14, 57–71,,, 2018
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Short summary
We reconstructed the minimum temperature for 505 years and found cold and warm periods, which correlate with reconstructed data for the Northern Hemisphere and neighboring territories. Our reconstructions are reflected in the fluctuations in ENSO, the short-term solar cycle, PDO, and the de Vries 200-year solar activity cycle. This is the first temperature reconstruction for this region and it is important for studying the climatic processes in the study region and in all of northeastern Asia.
Xiayun Xiao, Simon G. Haberle, Ji Shen, Bin Xue, Mark Burrows, and Sumin Wang
Clim. Past, 13, 613–627,,, 2017
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Knowledge of the past fire activity is a key for making sustainable management policies for forest ecosystems. A high-resolution macroscopic charcoal record from southwestern China reveals the postglacial fire history. Combined with the regional climate records and vegetation histories, it is concluded that fire was mainly controlled by climate before 4.3 ka and by combined action of climate and humans after 4.3 ka, and the relationship between fire activity and vegetation were also examined.
Odile Peyron, Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout, David Brayshaw, Simon Goring, Valérie Andrieu-Ponel, Stéphanie Desprat, Will Fletcher, Belinda Gambin, Chryssanthi Ioakim, Sébastien Joannin, Ulrich Kotthoff, Katerina Kouli, Vincent Montade, Jörg Pross, Laura Sadori, and Michel Magny
Clim. Past, 13, 249–265,,, 2017
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This study aims to reconstruct the climate evolution of the Mediterranean region during the Holocene from pollen data and model outputs. The model- and pollen-inferred precipitation estimates show overall agreement: the eastern Medit. experienced wetter-than-present summer conditions during the early–late Holocene. This regional climate model highlights how the patchy nature of climate signals and data in the Medit. may lead to stronger local signals than the large-scale pattern suggests.
Sahbi Jaouadi, Vincent Lebreton, Viviane Bout-Roumazeilles, Giuseppe Siani, Rached Lakhdar, Ridha Boussoffara, Laurent Dezileau, Nejib Kallel, Beya Mannai-Tayech, and Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout
Clim. Past, 12, 1339–1359,,, 2016
S. G. A. Flantua, H. Hooghiemstra, M. Vuille, H. Behling, J. F. Carson, W. D. Gosling, I. Hoyos, M. P. Ledru, E. Montoya, F. Mayle, A. Maldonado, V. Rull, M. S. Tonello, B. S. Whitney, and C. González-Arango
Clim. Past, 12, 483–523,,, 2016
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This paper serves as a guide to high-quality pollen records in South America that capture environmental variability during the last 2 millennia. We identify the pollen records suitable for climate modelling and discuss their sensitivity to the spatial signature of climate modes. Furthermore, evidence for human land use in pollen records is useful for archaeological hypothesis testing and important in distinguishing natural from anthropogenically driven vegetation change.
Enlou Zhang, Yongbo Wang, Weiwei Sun, and Ji Shen
Clim. Past, 12, 415–427,,, 2016
B. Gambin, V. Andrieu-Ponel, F. Médail, N. Marriner, O. Peyron, V. Montade, T. Gambin, C. Morhange, D. Belkacem, and M. Djamali
Clim. Past, 12, 273–297,,, 2016
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Short summary
Based on the study of ancient microfossils, such as pollen and spores, this paper explores climate change in a Mediterranean island context. Using a multi-disciplinary approach this original research corroborates existing archaeological and historical data. It also uses comparative data from elsewhere in the central Mediterranean to ensure that the current research is placed within the appropriate geographic context.
A. V. Gallego-Sala, D. J. Charman, S. P. Harrison, G. Li, and I. C. Prentice
Clim. Past, 12, 129–136,,, 2016
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Short summary
It has become a well-established paradigm that blanket bog landscapes in the British Isles are a result of forest clearance by early human populations. We provide a novel test of this hypothesis using results from bioclimatic modelling driven by cimate reconstructions compared with a database of peat initiation dates. Both results show similar patterns of peat initiation over time and space. This suggests that climate was the main driver of blanket bog inception and not human disturbance.
J. Azuara, N. Combourieu-Nebout, V. Lebreton, F. Mazier, S. D. Müller, and L. Dezileau
Clim. Past, 11, 1769–1784,,, 2015
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Short summary
High-resolution pollen analyses undertaken on two cores from southern France allow us to separate anthropogenic effects from climatic impacts on environments over the last 4500 years. A long-term aridification trend is highlighted during the late Holocene, and three superimposed arid events are recorded around 4400, 2600 and 1200cal BP coinciding in time with Bond events. Human influence on vegetation is attested since the Bronze Age and became dominant at the beginning of the High Middle Ages.
S. Y. Maezumi, M. J. Power, F. E. Mayle, K. K. McLauchlan, and J. Iriarte
Clim. Past, 11, 835–853,,, 2015
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Short summary
A 14,500-year, high-resolution, sedimentary record from Huanchaca Mesetta, a palm swamp located in the cerrãdo savanna in northeastern Bolivia, was analyzed for phytoliths, stable isotopes and charcoal. A non-analogue, cold-adapted vegetation community dominated the Late Glacial-Early Holocene period (14.5-9ka), which included trees and C3 Pooideae and C4 Panicoideae grasses. The Late Glacial vegetation was fire sensitive and fire activity during this period was low, likely responding to fuel av
M. E. de Porras, A. Maldonado, F. A. Quintana, A. Martel-Cea, O. Reyes, and C. Méndez
Clim. Past, 10, 1063–1078,,, 2014
Y. Wang, U. Herzschuh, L. S. Shumilovskikh, S. Mischke, H. J. B. Birks, J. Wischnewski, J. Böhner, F. Schlütz, F. Lehmkuhl, B. Diekmann, B. Wünnemann, and C. Zhang
Clim. Past, 10, 21–39,,, 2014
O. Peyron, M. Magny, S. Goring, S. Joannin, J.-L. de Beaulieu, E. Brugiapaglia, L. Sadori, G. Garfi, K. Kouli, C. Ioakim, and N. Combourieu-Nebout
Clim. Past, 9, 1233–1252,,, 2013
S. Joannin, B. Vannière, D. Galop, O. Peyron, J. N. Haas, A. Gilli, E. Chapron, S. B. Wirth, F. Anselmetti, M. Desmet, and M. Magny
Clim. Past, 9, 913–933,,, 2013
M.-P. Ledru, V. Jomelli, P. Samaniego, M. Vuille, S. Hidalgo, M. Herrera, and C. Ceron
Clim. Past, 9, 307–321,,, 2013
P. G. C. Amaral, A. Vincens, J. Guiot, G. Buchet, P. Deschamps, J.-C. Doumnang, and F. Sylvestre
Clim. Past, 9, 223–241,,, 2013
J. Bakker, E. Paulissen, D. Kaniewski, J. Poblome, V. De Laet, G. Verstraeten, and M. Waelkens
Clim. Past, 9, 57–87,,, 2013
S. Joannin, E. Brugiapaglia, J.-L. de Beaulieu, L. Bernardo, M. Magny, O. Peyron, S. Goring, and B. Vannière
Clim. Past, 8, 1973–1996,,, 2012
A. A. Andreev, E. Morozova, G. Fedorov, L. Schirrmeister, A. A. Bobrov, F. Kienast, and G. Schwamborn
Clim. Past, 8, 1287–1300,,, 2012
B. J. Dermody, H. J. de Boer, M. F. P. Bierkens, S. L. Weber, M. J. Wassen, and S. C. Dekker
Clim. Past, 8, 637–651,,, 2012
E. M. Gayo, C. Latorre, C. M. Santoro, A. Maldonado, and R. De Pol-Holz
Clim. Past, 8, 287–306,,, 2012
J. Lebamba, A. Vincens, and J. Maley
Clim. Past, 8, 59–78,,, 2012
A.-M. Lézine, W. Zheng, P. Braconnot, and G. Krinner
Clim. Past, 7, 1351–1362,,, 2011
A. Dallmeyer, M. Claussen, U. Herzschuh, and N. Fischer
Clim. Past, 7, 881–901,,, 2011
A. Vincens, G. Buchet, M. Servant, and ECOFIT Mbalang collaborators
Clim. Past, 6, 281–294,,, 2010
A. J. Chepstow-Lusty, M. R. Frogley, B. S. Bauer, M. J. Leng, K. P. Boessenkool, C. Carcaillet, A. A. Ali, and A. Gioda
Clim. Past, 5, 375–388,,, 2009
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