Articles | Volume 8, issue 2
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© Author(s) 2012. This work is distributed under
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A multi-proxy perspective on millennium-long climate variability in the Southern Pyrenees
M. Morellón
Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Department of Surface Waters, Überlandstrasse 133, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland
Laboratorio Internacional de Cambio Global (LINCGlobal), PUC-CSIC, Departamento de Ecología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, PUC, Alameda 340, PC 6513677 Santiago, Chile
Departamento de Procesos Geoambientales y Cambio Global, Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (IPE) – CSIC, Campus de Aula Dei. Avda, Montañana 1005, 50059 Zaragoza, Spain
A. Pérez-Sanz
Departamento de Procesos Geoambientales y Cambio Global, Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (IPE) – CSIC, Campus de Aula Dei. Avda, Montañana 1005, 50059 Zaragoza, Spain
J. P. Corella
Laboratorio Internacional de Cambio Global (LINCGlobal), PUC-CSIC, Departamento de Ecología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, PUC, Alameda 340, PC 6513677 Santiago, Chile
Departamento de Procesos Geoambientales y Cambio Global, Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (IPE) – CSIC, Campus de Aula Dei. Avda, Montañana 1005, 50059 Zaragoza, Spain
U. Büntgen
Swiss Federal Research Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape (WSL) ETH domain Zürich, 8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland
J. Catalán
Centre d'Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CEAB) – CSIC. C/ Accés a la Cala St. Francesc, 14, 17300 Blanes, Spain
P. González-Sampériz
Departamento de Procesos Geoambientales y Cambio Global, Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (IPE) – CSIC, Campus de Aula Dei. Avda, Montañana 1005, 50059 Zaragoza, Spain
J. J. González-Trueba
Departamento de Geografía, Prehistoria y Arqueología, Calle Tomás y Valiente s/n. 01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
J. A. López-Sáez
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CCHS-CSIC, C/ Albasanz, 26-28, 28037 Madrid, Spain
A. Moreno
Laboratorio Internacional de Cambio Global (LINCGlobal), PUC-CSIC, Departamento de Ecología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, PUC, Alameda 340, PC 6513677 Santiago, Chile
Departamento de Procesos Geoambientales y Cambio Global, Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (IPE) – CSIC, Campus de Aula Dei. Avda, Montañana 1005, 50059 Zaragoza, Spain
S. Pla-Rabes
Centre d'Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CEAB) – CSIC. C/ Accés a la Cala St. Francesc, 14, 17300 Blanes, Spain
M. Á. Saz-Sánchez
Departamento de Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Zaragoza, Calle Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
P. Scussolini
Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, Department of Marine Biogeology, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Departament of Ecology, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona, Av, Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
E. Serrano
Subunidad de Geografía Física Departamento de Geografía, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Plaza del Campus s/n, 47011 Valladolid, Spain
F. Steinhilber
Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Department of Surface Waters, Überlandstrasse 133, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland
V. Stefanova
Limnological Research Center, University of Minnesota, 310 Pillsbury Drive SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
T. Vegas-Vilarrúbia
Departament of Ecology, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona, Av, Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
B. Valero-Garcés
Laboratorio Internacional de Cambio Global (LINCGlobal), PUC-CSIC, Departamento de Ecología, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, PUC, Alameda 340, PC 6513677 Santiago, Chile
Departamento de Procesos Geoambientales y Cambio Global, Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (IPE) – CSIC, Campus de Aula Dei. Avda, Montañana 1005, 50059 Zaragoza, Spain
Related subject area
Subject: Continental Surface Processes | Archive: Terrestrial Archives | Timescale: Centennial-Decadal
Using data and models to infer climate and environmental changes during the Little Ice Age in tropical West Africa
Early Holocene cold snaps and their expression in the moraine record of the eastern European Alps
Impact of maximum borehole depths on inverted temperature histories in borehole paleoclimatology
Anne-Marie Lézine, Maé Catrain, Julián Villamayor, and Myriam Khodri
Clim. Past, 19, 277–292,,, 2023
Short summary
Short summary
Data and climate simulations were used to discuss the West African Little Ice Age (LIA). We show a clear opposition between a dry Sahel–savannah zone and a humid equatorial sector. In the Sahel region, the LIA was characterized by a gradual drying trend starting in 1250 CE after two early warning signals since 1170 CE. A tipping point was reached at 1800 CE. Drying events punctuated the LIA, the largest of which dated to ca. 1600 CE and was also recorded in the savannah zone.
Sandra M. Braumann, Joerg M. Schaefer, Stephanie M. Neuhuber, Christopher Lüthgens, Alan J. Hidy, and Markus Fiebig
Clim. Past, 17, 2451–2479,,, 2021
Short summary
Short summary
Glacier reconstructions provide insights into past climatic conditions and elucidate processes and feedbacks that modulate the climate system both in the past and present. We investigate the transition from the last glacial to the current interglacial and generate beryllium-10 moraine chronologies in glaciated catchments of the eastern European Alps. We find that rapid warming was superimposed by centennial-scale cold phases that appear to have influenced large parts of the Northern Hemisphere.
H. Beltrami, J. E. Smerdon, G. S. Matharoo, and N. Nickerson
Clim. Past, 7, 745–756,,, 2011
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