Articles | Volume 19, issue 7
Research article
18 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 18 Jul 2023

Hydrological change in southern Australia over 1750 years: a bivalve oxygen isotope record from the Coorong Lagoon

Briony Kate Chamberlayne, Jonathan James Tyler, Deborah Haynes, Yuexiao Shao, John Tibby, and Bronwyn May Gillanders

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Short summary
We used geochemical signals in shells preserved in sediments to create a 1750-year record of hydrological change in the Coorong Lagoon of South Australia. The record is interpreted to reflect the balance of evaporation and precipitation and shows that it has always been a highly evaporated system. The record also shows similarities to other environmental reconstructions from the region. This knowledge can increase our understanding of the potential impacts of environmental change.