Articles | Volume 17, issue 4
Research article
29 Jul 2021
Research article |  | 29 Jul 2021

How precipitation intermittency sets an optimal sampling distance for temperature reconstructions from Antarctic ice cores

Thomas Münch, Martin Werner, and Thomas Laepple

Data sets

Antarctic time series of temperature, precipitation, and stable isotopes in precipitation from the ECHAM5/MPI-OM-wiso past1000 climate model simulation Thomas Münch and Martin Werner

Model code and software

optimalcores: An R software project to analyse optimal ice core locations in a climate model simulation Thomas Münch

Short summary
We analyse Holocene climate model simulation data to find the locations of Antarctic ice cores which are best suited to reconstruct local- to regional-scale temperatures. We find that the spatial decorrelation scales of the temperature variations and of the noise from precipitation intermittency set an effective sampling length scale. Following this, a single core should be located at the target site for the temperature reconstruction, and a second one optimally lies more than 500 km away.