Articles | Volume 16, issue 4
Research article
27 Aug 2020
Research article |  | 27 Aug 2020

Investigating interdecadal salinity changes in the Baltic Sea in a 1850–2008 hindcast simulation

Hagen Radtke, Sandra-Esther Brunnabend, Ulf Gräwe, and H. E. Markus Meier


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Short summary
During the last century, salinity in the Baltic Sea showed a multidecadal oscillation with a period of 30 years. Using a numerical circulation model and wavelet coherence analysis, we demonstrate that this variation has at least two possible causes. One driver is river runoff which shows a 30-year variation. The second one is a variation in the frequency of strong inflows of saline water across Darss Sill which also contains a pronounced 30-year period.