Articles | Volume 14, issue 6
Research article
08 Jun 2018
Research article |  | 08 Jun 2018

An assessment of latest Cretaceous Pycnodonte vesicularis (Lamarck, 1806) shells as records for palaeoseasonality: a multi-proxy investigation

Niels J. de Winter, Johan Vellekoop, Robin Vorsselmans, Asefeh Golreihan, Jeroen Soete, Sierra V. Petersen, Kyle W. Meyer, Silvio Casadio, Robert P. Speijer, and Philippe Claeys

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Preprint archived
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Subject: Proxy Use-Development-Validation | Archive: Marine Archives | Timescale: Pre-Cenozoic
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Cited articles

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Short summary
In this work, we apply a range of methods to measure the geochemical composition of the calcite from fossil shells of Pycnodonte vesicularis (so-called honeycomb oysters). The goal is to investigate how the composition of these shells reflect the environment in which the animals grew. Ultimately, we propose a methodology to check whether the shells of pycnodonte oysters are well-preserved and to reconstruct meaningful information about the seasonal changes in the past climate and environment.