Articles | Volume 14, issue 12
Research article
11 Dec 2018
Research article |  | 11 Dec 2018

A stalagmite test of North Atlantic SST and Iberian hydroclimate linkages over the last two glacial cycles

Rhawn F. Denniston, Amanda N. Houts, Yemane Asmerom, Alan D. Wanamaker Jr., Jonathan A. Haws, Victor J. Polyak, Diana L. Thatcher, Setsen Altan-Ochir, Alyssa C. Borowske, Sebastian F. M. Breitenbach, Caroline C. Ummenhofer, Frederico T. Regala, Michael M. Benedetti, and Nuno F. Bicho


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Short summary
The sediment deposited off the coast of Portugal includes the remains of marine organisms and pollen washed to sea from Iberia. Analysis of both the pollen and the ocean sediments has revealed that the type and density of vegetation on land changed in concert with shifts in ocean temperature over centuries to tens of millennia. Proxies for climate in Portuguese stalagmites from the last two glacial periods show precipitation was reduced when sea surface temperatures fell.