Articles | Volume 14, issue 9
Research article
24 Sep 2018
Research article |  | 24 Sep 2018

Towards high-resolution climate reconstruction using an off-line data assimilation and COSMO-CLM 5.00 model

Bijan Fallah, Emmanuele Russo, Walter Acevedo, Achille Mauri, Nico Becker, and Ulrich Cubasch

Data sets

Optimal interpolation Fortran module with Octave interface GeoHydrodynamics and Environment Research (GHER) research group

Short summary
We try to test and evaluate an approach for using two main sources of information on the climate of the past: climate model simulations and proxies. This is done via data assimilation (DA), a method that blends these two sources of information in an intelligent way. However, DA and climate models are computationally very expensive. Here, we tested the ability of a computationally affordable DA to reconstruct high-resolution climate fields.