Articles | Volume 7, issue 3
19 Jul 2011
 | 19 Jul 2011

Enhanced climate variability in the tropics: a 200 000 yr annual record of monsoon variability from Pangea's equator

R. Y. Anderson

Related subject area

Subject: Feedback and Forcing | Archive: Terrestrial Archives | Timescale: Pre-Cenozoic
Weathering trends in the Norian through geochemical and rock magnetic analyses from the Pignola–Abriola section (Lagonegro Basin, Italy)
Matteo Maron, Tetsuji Onoue, Sara Satolli, Katsuhito Soda, Honami Sato, Giovanni Muttoni, and Manuel Rigo
Clim. Past, 20, 637–658,,, 2024
Short summary

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