Articles | Volume 21, issue 1
Research article
31 Jan 2025
Research article |  | 31 Jan 2025

Spatial and temporal variability in sea surface temperatures and monsoon dynamics in the northwestern Arabian Sea during the last 43 kyr

Jan Maier, Nicole Burdanowitz, Gerhard Schmiedl, and Birgit Gaye

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Preprint under review for CP
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Cited articles

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Short summary
We reconstruct sea surface temperatures (SSTs) of the past 43 kyr in the Gulf of Oman. We find SST variations of up to 7 °C with lower SSTs during Heinrich events (HEs), especially HE4, and higher SSTs during Dansgaard–Oeschger events. Our record shows no profound cooling during the Last Glacial Maximum but abrupt variations during the Holocene. We surmise that SST variations are influenced by the southwest (northeast) monsoon during warmer (colder) periods.
