Articles | Volume 20, issue 10
Research article
09 Oct 2024
Research article |  | 09 Oct 2024

Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages as tracers of paleoceanographic changes within the northern Benguela current system since the Early Pleistocene

Arianna V. Del Gaudio, Aaron Avery, Gerald Auer, Werner E. Piller, and Walter Kurz

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Cited articles

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Arrigoni, A., Piller, W. E., and Auer, G.: A new methodology for foraminifera extraction from cemented calcareous shelf sediments, Mar. Micropaleontol., 187, 102324,, 2023. 
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Short summary
The Benguela Upwelling System is a region in the SE Atlantic Ocean of high biological productivity. It comprises several water masses such as the Benguela Current, South Atlantic Central Water, and Indian Ocean Agulhas waters. We analyzed planktonic foraminifera from IODP Sites U1575 and U1576 to characterize water masses and their interplay in the Pleistocene. This defined changes in the local thermocline, which were linked to long-term Benguela Niño- and Niña-like and deglaciation events.