Articles | Volume 20, issue 9
Research article
12 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 12 Sep 2024

Glacial AMOC shoaling despite vigorous tidal dissipation: vertical stratification matters

Yugeng Chen, Pengyang Song, Xianyao Chen, and Gerrit Lohmann

Data sets

Chen et al. (2024) supplement (Climate of the past): The output for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the Present Day (PD) simulations Y. Chen

Model code and software

The Finite Element Sea Ice-Ocean Model (FESOM2) P. Scholz

Short summary

Our study examines the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), a period with higher tidal dissipation. Despite increased tidal mixing, our model simulations show that the AMOC remained relatively shallow, consistent with paleoproxy data and resolving previous inconsistencies between proxy data and model simulations. This research highlights the importance of strong ocean stratification during the LGM and its interaction with tidal mixing.