Articles | Volume 20, issue 8
Research article
15 Aug 2024
Research article |  | 15 Aug 2024

50-year seasonal variability in East African droughts and floods recorded in central Afar lake sediments (Ethiopia) and their connections with the El Niño–Southern Oscillation

Carlo Mologni, Marie Revel, Eric Chaumillon, Emmanuel Malet, Thibault Coulombier, Pierre Sabatier, Pierre Brigode, Gwenael Hervé, Anne-Lise Develle, Laure Schenini, Medhi Messous, Gourguen Davtian, Alain Carré, Delphine Bosch, Natacha Volto, Clément Ménard, Lamya Khalidi, and Fabien Arnaud

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Preprint under review for NHESS
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Cited articles

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The reactivity of local to regional hydrosystems to global changes remains understated in East African climate models. By reconstructing a chronicle of seasonal floods and droughts from a lacustrine sedimentary core, this paper highlights the impact of El Niño anomalies in the Awash River valley (Ethiopia). Studying regional hydrosystem feedbacks to global atmospheric anomalies is essential for better comprehending and mitigating the effects of global warming in extreme environments.