Articles | Volume 20, issue 5
Technical note
08 May 2024
Technical note |  | 08 May 2024

Technical note: An improved methodology for calculating the Southern Annular Mode index to aid consistency between climate studies

Laura Velasquez-Jimenez and Nerilie J. Abram

Data sets

Data and code to replicate analyses and figures in Velasquez-Jimenez and Abram (2024) L. Velasquez-Jimenez

Model code and software

Data and code to replicate analyses and figures in Velasquez-Jimenez and Abram (2024) L. Velasquez-Jimenez

Short summary
The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) influences climate in the Southern Hemisphere. We investigate the effects of calculation method and data used to calculate the SAM index and how it influences the relationship between the SAM and climate. We propose a method to calculate a natural SAM index that facilitates consistency between studies, including when using different data resolutions, avoiding distortion of SAM impacts and allowing for more reliable results of past and future SAM trends.