Articles | Volume 19, issue 3
Research article
23 Mar 2023
Research article |  | 23 Mar 2023

Asymmetric changes in temperature in the Arctic during the Holocene based on a transient run with the Community Earth System Model (CESM)

Hongyue Zhang, Jesper Sjolte, Zhengyao Lu, Jian Liu, Weiyi Sun, and Lingfeng Wan

Data sets

NOAA/WDS Paleoclimatology -- Temperature 12k Database D. S. Kaufman, N. P. McKay, and C. Routson

Short summary
Based on proxy data and modeling, the Arctic temperature has an asymmetric cooling trend with more cooling over the Atlantic Arctic than the Pacific Arctic during the Holocene, dominated by orbital forcing. There is a seasonal difference in the asymmetric cooling trend, which is dominated by the DJF (December, January, and February) temperature variability. The Arctic dipole mode of sea level pressure and sea ice play a major role in asymmetric temperature changes.