Articles | Volume 19, issue 11
Research article
10 Nov 2023
Research article |  | 10 Nov 2023

Precipitation reconstructions for Paris based on the observations by Louis Morin, 1665–1713 CE

Thomas Pliemon, Ulrich Foelsche, Christian Rohr, and Christian Pfister

Data sets

Precipitation reconstructions for Paris based on the observations by Louis Morin, 1665-1713 CE T. Pliemon, U. Foelsche, C. Rohr, and C. Pfister

Short summary
Louis Morin consistently recorded precipitation intensity and duration between 1665 and 1713. We use these records to reconstruct precipitation totals. This reconstruction is validated by several methods and then presented using precipitation indexes. What is exceptional about this dataset is the availability of a sub-daily resolution and the low number of missing data points over the entire observation period.