Articles | Volume 19, issue 7
Research article
18 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 18 Jul 2023

Earliest meteorological readings in San Fernando (Cádiz, Spain, 1799–1813)

Nieves Bravo-Paredes, María Cruz Gallego, Ricardo M. Trigo, and José Manuel Vaquero

Data sets

[Data] Earliest meteorological readings in San Fernando (Cádiz, Spain) Nieves Bravo-Paredes, María Cruz Gallego, Ricardo Machado Trigo, and José Manuel Vaquero

Short summary
We present the earliest records made in San Fernando, very close to Cádiz (SW Spain). Several previous works have already recovered a significant number of meteorological records of interest in these localities. However, more than 40 000 daily meteorological observations recorded at the Royal Observatory of the Spanish Navy (located in San Fernando) were previously unnoticed and remained neither digitized nor studied. We analyze in detail these newly recovered meteorological readings.