Articles | Volume 19, issue 7
Research article
04 Jul 2023
Research article |  | 04 Jul 2023

A comparison of pre-millennium eruption (946 CE) and modern temperatures from tree rings in Changbai Mountain, Northeast Asia

Haibo Du, Michael C. Stambaugh, Jesús Julio Camarero, Mai-He Li, Dapao Yu, Shengwei Zong, Hong S. He, and Zhengfang Wu

Data sets

Data for publication "A comparison of pre-Millennium eruption (946 AD) and modern temperatures from tree rings in the Changbai Mountain, northeast Asia" Haibo Du and Zhengfang Wu

Short summary
We reconstruct, for the first time, high-resolution temperatures prior to the Millennium Eruption (946 CE) using a unique tree-ring proxy dataset in Changbai Mountain and compare them with modern temperatures. The temperatures during the last 1.5 centuries have stronger fluctuations, more frequent abruption, and a weaker periodicity of temperature variance compared to the pre-millennium temperatures. These recent changes correspond to long-term anthropogenic influences on regional climate.