Articles | Volume 18, issue 3
Research article
07 Mar 2022
Research article |  | 07 Mar 2022

Parallel between the isotopic composition of coccolith calcite and carbon levels across Termination II: developing a new paleo-CO2 probe

Camille Godbillot, Fabrice Minoletti, Franck Bassinot, and Michaël Hermoso


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Short summary
We test a new method to reconstruct past atmospheric CO2 levels based on the geochemistry of pelagic algal biominerals (coccoliths), which recent culture and numerical experiments have related to ambient CO2 concentrations. By comparing the isotopic composition of fossil coccoliths to the inferred surface ocean CO2 level at the time they calcified, we outline a transfer function and argue that coccolith vital effects can be used to reconstruct geological pCO2 beyond the ice core record.