Articles | Volume 18, issue 12
Research article
05 Dec 2022
Research article |  | 05 Dec 2022

Ring-width and blue-light chronologies of Podocarpus lawrencei from southeastern mainland Australia reveal a regional climate signal

Jacinda A. O'Connor, Benjamin J. Henley, Matthew T. Brookhouse, and Kathryn J. Allen

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Subject: Proxy Use-Development-Validation | Archive: Terrestrial Archives | Timescale: Instrumental Period
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Cited articles

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Allen, K. J., Freund, M. B., Palmer, J. G., Simkin, R., Williams, L., Brookhouse, M., Cook, E. R., Stewart, S., and Baker, P. J.: Hydroclimate extremes in a north Australian drought reconstruction asymmetrically linked with Central Pacific Sea surface temperatures, Global Planet. Change, 195, 103329,, 2020. 
Australian Bureau of Meteorology: Australian Gridded Climate Data (AGCD), Bureau of Meteorology [data set],, 2019. 
Björklund, J., Seftigen, K., Schweingruber, F., Fonti, P., von Arx, G., Bryukhanova, M. V., Cuny, H. E., Carrer, M., Castagneri, D., and Frank, D. C.: Cell size and wall dimensions drive distinct variability of earlywood and latewood density in Northern Hemisphere conifers, New Phytol., 216, 728–740,, 2017. 
Björklund, J., Seftigen, K., Fonti, P., Nievergelt, D., and von Arx, G.: Dendroclimatic potential of dendroanatomy in temperature-sensitive Pinus sylvestris, Dendrochronologia, 60, 125673,, 2020. 
Short summary
Tree-ring records provide a unique window into past climate variability. However, there are few such records from the Australian mainland. We present results from nine cross-sections of an alpine tree species from the Victorian Alps from 1929–1998. The tree-ring widths have significant correlations with winter temperature, precipitation and snow depth. The intensity of reflected blue light from the wood surface shows a strong response to growing season temperature and winter precipitation.