Articles | Volume 17, issue 5
Research article
29 Sep 2021
Research article |  | 29 Sep 2021

North Atlantic marine biogenic silica accumulation through the early to middle Paleogene: implications for ocean circulation and silicate weathering feedback

Jakub Witkowski, Karolina Bryłka, Steven M. Bohaty, Elżbieta Mydłowska, Donald E. Penman, and Bridget S. Wade


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Short summary
We reconstruct the history of biogenic opal accumulation through the early to middle Paleogene in the western North Atlantic. Biogenic opal accumulation was controlled by deepwater temperatures, atmospheric greenhouse gas levels, and continental weathering intensity. Overturning circulation in the Atlantic was established at the end of the extreme early Eocene greenhouse warmth period. We also show that the strength of the link between climate and continental weathering varies through time.