Articles | Volume 17, issue 4
Research article
24 Aug 2021
Research article |  | 24 Aug 2021

Signals of Holocene climate transition amplified by anthropogenic land-use changes in the westerly–Indian monsoon realm

Nicole Burdanowitz, Tim Rixen, Birgit Gaye, and Kay-Christian Emeis

Data sets

Grain sizes and geochemistry of Holocene sediments in the Arabian Sea Nicole Burdanowitz, Tim Rixen, Birgit Gaye, and Kay-Christian Emeis

Grain sizes and geochemistry of Holocene sediments in the Arabian Sea Nicole Burdanowitz, Birgit Gaye, Lea Hilbig, Niko Lahajnar, Andreas Lückge, Tim Rixen, and Kay-Christian Emeis

Short summary
To study the interaction of the westerlies and Indian summer monsoon (ISM) during the Holocene, we used paleoenvironmental reconstructions using a sediment core from the northeast Arabian Sea. We found a climatic transition period between 4.6 and 3 ka BP during which the ISM shifted southwards and the influence of Westerlies became prominent. Our data indicate a stronger influence of agriculture activities and enhanced soil erosion, adding to Bond event impact after this transition period.