Articles | Volume 16, issue 6
Research article
25 Nov 2020
Research article |  | 25 Nov 2020

A prequel to the Dantean Anomaly: the precipitation seesaw and droughts of 1302 to 1307 in Europe

Martin Bauch, Thomas Labbé, Annabell Engel, and Patric Seifert

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Short summary

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Cited articles

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Andres, H. J. and Peltier, W. R.: Regional Influences of Natural External Forcings on the Transition from the Medieval Climate Anomaly to the Little Ice Age, J. Clim., 29, 5779–5800,, 2016. 
ASS CG 62: Archivio di Stato di Siena – Consiglio Generale – Deliberazioni: vol. 62 (1302 dicembre 7–1303 giugno 29) (in Latin). 
Banchi, L.: I porti della Maremma senese durante la repubblica. Narrazione storica con documenti inediti, Leo S. Olschki, Firenze, Italy, 1871 (in Italian). 
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Short summary
The onset of Little Ice Age cooling around 1310 CE was preceded in Europe by a series of droughts in the first decade of the 14th century that were uniquely severe in the period 1200–1400. Based mainly on information from chronicles and other historical texts, we reconstructed the socioeconomic and cultural impact of these events but also a seesaw pattern of multiannual droughts in the Mediterranean and Europe north of the Alps that has remarkable resemblances to the 2018–2019 dry period.