Articles | Volume 16, issue 5
Research article
30 Oct 2020
Research article |  | 30 Oct 2020

Wet–dry status change in global closed basins between the mid-Holocene and the Last Glacial Maximum and its implication for future projection

Xinzhong Zhang, Yu Li, Wangting Ye, Simin Peng, Yuxin Zhang, Hebin Liu, Yichan Li, Qin Han, and Lingmei Xu

Data sets

HydroBASINS Version 1.0 WWF

Paleoclimatology Datasets NOAA

ESGF@DOE/LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

High-resolution gridded datasets (and derived products) Climatic Research Unit

Climate Indices: Monthly Atmospheric and Ocean Time-Series Physical Sciences Laboratory

Short summary
Many closed-basin lakes are now drying, causing water crisis in hinterlands; however, many were much wetter in a similar warm world 6000 years ago. Why do they respond differently and will it be wetter or drier? We assess the wet–dry status and mechanism at different timescales and suggest that moisture change in the past and future warm periods are controlled by summer and winter precipitation, respectively. Diversified responses in different closed basins need a more resilient strategy.