Articles | Volume 16, issue 4
Research article
09 Jul 2020
Research article |  | 09 Jul 2020

Mysteriously high Δ14C of the glacial atmosphere: influence of 14C production and carbon cycle changes

Ashley Dinauer, Florian Adolphi, and Fortunat Joos


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Short summary
Despite intense focus on the ~ 190 ‰ drop in Δ14C across the deglacial mystery interval, the specific mechanisms responsible for the apparent Δ14C excess in the glacial atmosphere have received considerably less attention. Sensitivity experiments with the computationally efficient Bern3D Earth system model suggest that our inability to reproduce the elevated Δ14C levels during the last glacial may reflect an underestimation of 14C production and/or a biased-high reconstruction of Δ14C.