Articles | Volume 14, issue 11
Research article
 | Highlight paper
28 Nov 2018
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 28 Nov 2018

Carbon burial in deep-sea sediment and implications for oceanic inventories of carbon and alkalinity over the last glacial cycle

Olivier Cartapanis, Eric D. Galbraith, Daniele Bianchi, and Samuel L. Jaccard


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Short summary
A data-based reconstruction of carbon-bearing deep-sea sediment shows significant changes in the global burial rate over the last glacial cycle. We calculate the impact of these deep-sea changes, as well as hypothetical changes in continental shelf burial and volcanic outgassing. Our results imply that these geological fluxes had a significant impact on ocean chemistry and the global carbon isotopic ratio, and that the natural carbon cycle was not in steady state during the Holocene.