Articles | Volume 12, issue 2
Research article
18 Feb 2016
Research article |  | 18 Feb 2016

Effects of eustatic sea-level change, ocean dynamics, and nutrient utilization on atmospheric pCO2 and seawater composition over the last 130 000 years: a model study

K. Wallmann, B. Schneider, and M. Sarnthein


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Short summary
An Earth system model was set up and applied to evaluate the effects of sea-level change, ocean dynamics, and nutrient utilization on seawater composition and atmospheric pCO2 over the last glacial cycle. The model results strongly suggest that global sea-level change contributed significantly to the slow glacial decline in atmospheric pCO2 and the gradual pCO2 increase over the Holocene whereas the rapid deglacial pCO2 rise was induced by fast changes in ocean dynamics and nutrient utilization.