Articles | Volume 11, issue 11
Research article
20 Nov 2015
Research article |  | 20 Nov 2015

Temperature changes derived from phenological and natural evidence in South Central China from 1850 to 2008

J. Zheng, Z. Hua, Y. Liu, and Z. Hao


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Short summary
In this paper we reconstruct the annual temperature anomalies in South Central China from 1850 to 2008, using phenodates of plants, snowfall days, and five tree-ring width chronologies. It is found that rapid warming has occurred since the 1990s, with an abrupt change around 1997, leading to unprecedented variability in warming; a cold interval dominated the 1860s, 1890s, and 1950s; warm decades occurred around 1850, 1870, and 1960; and the warmest decades were the 1990s–2000s.