Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
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© Author(s) 2014. This work is distributed under
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Arctic Holocene proxy climate database – new approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables
H. S. Sundqvist
Department of Physical Geography & Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
D. S. Kaufman
School of Earth Sciences & Environmental Sustainability, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, USA
N. P. McKay
School of Earth Sciences & Environmental Sustainability, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, USA
N. L. Balascio
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, New York, USA
J. P. Briner
Department of Geology, University at Buffalo, New York, USA
L. C. Cwynar
Department of Biology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada
H. P. Sejrup
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
H. Seppä
Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
D. A. Subetto
Northern Water Problems Institute, Karelian Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Russia
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
J. T. Andrews
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Y. Axford
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Northwestern University, Illinois, USA
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
H. J. B. Birks
Department of Biology, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Environmental Change Research Centre, University College London, UK
School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford, London, UK
S. J. Brooks
Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, London, UK
A. de Vernal
GEOTOP, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Canada
A. E. Jennings
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
F. C. Ljungqvist
Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Department of History, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
K. M. Rühland
Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Lab (PEARL), Department of Biology, Queen's University, Ontario, Canada
C. Saenger
Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
J. P. Smol
Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Lab (PEARL), Department of Biology, Queen's University, Ontario, Canada
A. E. Viau
Department of Geography, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
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102 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Climatic changes in the Arctic territories of Eastern Siberia over the last millennium according to lithological-geochemical data of bottom sediments of Lake Peyungda (Krasnoyarsk region, Evenkia) A. Dar’in et al. 10.31857/S2686739724020192
- Shallow ice approximation, second order shallow ice approximation, and full Stokes models: A discussion of their roles in palaeo-ice sheet modelling and development N. Kirchner et al. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.01.013
- Holocene history of the Greenland Ice-Sheet margin in Northern Nunatarssuaq, Northwest Greenland L. Farnsworth et al. 10.1007/s41063-018-0044-0
- Human population dynamics in relation to Holocene climate variability in the North American Arctic and Subarctic M. Briere & K. Gajewski 10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106370
- Diatom responses and geochemical feedbacks to environmental changes at Lake Rauchuagytgyn (Far East Russian Arctic) B. Biskaborn et al. 10.5194/bg-20-1691-2023
- Shallow ice approximation, second order shallow ice approximation, and full Stokes models: A discussion of their roles in palaeo-ice sheet modelling and development N. Kirchner et al. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.01.032
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- Technical note: Considerations on using uncertain proxies in the analogue method for spatiotemporal reconstructions of millennial-scale climate O. Bothe & E. Zorita 10.5194/cp-17-721-2021
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- Hydroclimate variability of High Arctic Svalbard during the Holocene inferred from hydrogen isotopes of leaf waxes N. Balascio et al. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.11.036
- Holocene and Last Interglacial climate of the Faroe Islands from sedimentary plant wax hydrogen and carbon isotopes L. Curtin et al. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.105930
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93 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Climatic changes in the Arctic territories of Eastern Siberia over the last millennium according to lithological-geochemical data of bottom sediments of Lake Peyungda (Krasnoyarsk region, Evenkia) A. Dar’in et al. 10.31857/S2686739724020192
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