Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
Research article
23 Jul 2014
Research article |  | 23 Jul 2014

Pliocene to Pleistocene climate and environmental history of Lake El'gygytgyn, Far East Russian Arctic, based on high-resolution inorganic geochemistry data

V. Wennrich, P. S. Minyuk, V. Borkhodoev, A. Francke, B. Ritter, N. R. Nowaczyk, M. A. Sauerbrey, J. Brigham-Grette, and M. Melles

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Cited articles

Andreev, A. A., Tarasov, P. E., Wennrich, V., Raschke, E., Herzschuh, U., Nowaczyk, N. R., Brigham-Grette, J., and Melles, M.: Late Pliocene and early Pleistocene environments of the north-eastern Russian Arctic inferred from the Lake El'gygytgyn pollen record, Clim. Past Discuss., 9, 4599–4653,, 2013.
Arp, G., Kolepka, C., Simon, K., Karius, V., Nolte, N., and Hansen, B. T.: New evidence for persistent impact-generated hydrothermal activity in the Miocene Ries impact structure, Germany, Meteor. Planet. Sci., 48, 2491–2516, 2013.
Asikainen, C. A., Francus, P., and Brigham-Grette, J.: Sedimentology, clay mineralogy and grain-size as indicators of 65 ka of climate change from El'gygytgyn Crater Lake, Northeastern Siberia, J. Paleolimnol., 37, 105–122, 2007.
Barr, I. D. and Clark, C. D.: Glaciers and climate in Pacific Far NE Russia during the Last Glacial Maximum, J. Quat. Sci., 26, 227–237, 2011.
Belyi, V.: Impactite generation in the El'gygytgyn depression, northeast Russia, as a volcanic phenomenon, 2. On the petrography and geochemistry of the impactites, J. Volcanol. Seismol., 4, 149–163, 2010.