18 Oct 2024
 | 18 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal CP.

Oligocene-early Miocene paradox of pCO2 inferred from alkenone carbon isotopic fractionation and sea surface temperature trends

José Guitián, Samuel R. Phelps, Reto S. Wijker, Pratigya J. Polissar, Laura Arnold, and Heather M. Stoll

Abstract. Atmospheric carbon dioxide decline is hypothesized to drive the progressive cooling over the Cenozoic. However, at multimillion-year timescales during the Oligocene to Miocene time interval the existing reconstructions, most based on the phytoplankton carbon isotopic fractionation (εp) proxy, differ from what is expected to drive the climate observations.

Here, we produce two new long-term records of εp over the Oligocene to early Miocene time interval from widely separated locations at IODP Site 1406 and ODP 1168 and increase the resolution of determinations at the equatorial Atlantic ODP 925. These new results confirm a global footprint of εp shift occurring during this interval. Abrupt 3 ‰ declines are found from 27 to 24.5 Ma and 24 to 22.5 Ma, and minimum εp is attained at 19 Ma. Between 28.7 and 29.7 Ma at IODP 1406, a higher resolution sampling reveals orbital scale 100 kyr cyclicity in εp. Making use of alkenone-based sea surface temperature (SST) estimates and benthic δ18O estimated extracted from the same samples, we perform a direct comparison with εp to evaluate the relationship with climate dynamics. We observe that across the long Oligocene to early Miocene interval the two sites’ relationships contrast with what is expected if CO2 was the main driver of εp and average earth surface temperature evolution was registered at the local surface SST and global benthic δ18O. Moreover, at orbital timescale, εp and benthic δ18O appear to follow an inverse relationship, although located within the multimillion-year period with the strongest direct correlation between these variables (>25.5 Ma). To evaluate the physiological, non- CO2 influences on εp, we use modern cultures to evaluate the impact of changing cell size and growth rate on the trends in εp. Although at specific time intervals, those drivers seem to explain part of the εp divergence with SST or benthic δ18O, most periods remain largely divergent, particularly the late Oligocene warming. We infer that a common CO2 forcing is likely the dominant control on the coherent temporal trends in εp at widely separated sites, which experienced contrasting temperature evolution and likely experienced different variations in nutrient availability. While CO2 changes likely caused significant changes in radiative forcing, SST variation at the examined sites may have been conditioned by regional heat transport, and the relationship between benthic δ18O and εp could reflect variable phasing between ice growth and global temperature.

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José Guitián, Samuel R. Phelps, Reto S. Wijker, Pratigya J. Polissar, Laura Arnold, and Heather M. Stoll

Status: open (until 13 Dec 2024)

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José Guitián, Samuel R. Phelps, Reto S. Wijker, Pratigya J. Polissar, Laura Arnold, and Heather M. Stoll
José Guitián, Samuel R. Phelps, Reto S. Wijker, Pratigya J. Polissar, Laura Arnold, and Heather M. Stoll


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Short summary
We reconstructed from sediments of different ocean sites phytoplankton carbon isotopic fractionation (εp), mainly linked to CO2 variations, during the Oligocene to early Miocene. Records confirm long-term trends but show contrasting relationships with the sea surface temperatures evolution. We evaluate the role of non-CO2 physiological factors such as temperature and nutrients at each site εp, highlighting the complexity of interpreting climate dynamics and CO2 reconstructions.